Master of Architecture 10

The naive and innocent Dabao and Erniu instantly relaxed. They blinked their eyes cutely, looking as if they were prepared to listen to an Imperial edict.

Only Xiaobao furrowed his little brows when he heard their mother praise them for being clever. Engrossed in his thoughts, he stared at his mother's face while blinking his clear, black eyes.

Qi Qingyao said that she was going to teach the children, but when she flipped open the books, she looked at their contents in dismay. Some of them were copies of the Three Character Classic, while others covered simple idioms and basic grammar. 


They were language books!

'What the heck?' Qi Qingyao blanked out for a moment. Her children would end up stupid if they studied those traditional essays! No, they had to have their own personalities!

To fix this, Qi Qingyao spent some time thinking.

"We'll start by learning how to write numbers. I'll write while you observe."