The Richest Man in Northern Liang 9

Lu Yan, who had changed his clothes, had a beautiful and clear-eyed appearance. The little white cat leaped calmly and landed on his shoulder.

Lu Yan ordered, "Go, buy this inn for me! Then chase out that woman and anyone related to her."

Dong Jing swallowed his saliva. He immediately turned around to leave after receiving the order.

Lu Yan added, "No, buy all the inns in Baishui Town for me! I want this woman to live on the street!"

Dong Jing was taken aback. He quickly said, "Master, what if they don't want to sell it..."

"If they're not selling it, double the price. If they're still not selling it, just add more money until they're willing to sell it!" He said it in a wealthy and overbearing tone.

"Yes, Master!" Dong Jing hastened to execute the order...