Someone’s Playing Matchmaker 10

The fact that Madam Liu had run to the building very quickly reached the ears of the old Qi family through a few women who had witnessed the scene. 

"I heard that Madam Liu from town has gone to introduce potential partners to her."

Madam Wu heard this being discussed next door and knew that they were purposely talking about it so that she could hear it. She got so mad that she slammed the door shut and went back into the hall, cursing, "She obviously is the kind of person who will bring bad luck to her spouse, her brother, and her grandfather. Yet Madam Liu is still so proactive in introducing her to a potential partner! What an eyesore, they should just let that little bastard die alone."


Madam Wu cutting remarks that she let loose in her home also conspicuously spread next door and the people there instantly laughed merrily.

The old Qi family had really lost everything!