His Affections 10

"Meow~" The chubby white cat turned its head back and meowed at its owner. 

Then, it flitted across the screen without looking back again.

Lu Yan, "..."

He was suddenly curious about the person at the door. 

Si Jin was still waiting for a response but instead of a person, a chubby white cat came to meet him. When Si Jin's gaze landed on the cat, he was stunned for half a beat before he crouched down and stared at it. The corners of his lips hooked into a rather eccentric smile as he whispered. 

"A cat."

And it was a fortune cat!

Si Jin touched the cat's back and the white cat rolled itself onto his palm unctuously. 

"You're so fat." Si Jin sighed ruefully, "I can tell that you're usually fed well."

The white cat meowed twice, thinking to itself, 'Who are you calling fat!'

It was obviously voluptuous! It was cute!