Meeting in Chunjiang Restaurant 3

After Jiang Siliu went upstairs, she saw a beautiful man who looked like a flower in the early spring morning. The man was sitting with a weirdo with an ox-head mask. Sitting opposite them was a petite girl.

The petite girl looked like…

Her eyes and brows were delicate and extremely bright and elegant. Her aura was like… stars; she seemed to be sparkling as she sat there.

She seemed to somehow be within sight but beyond reach.

When the woman frowned while looking at the menu on the wall, she exuded a sense of inapproachable coldness. When she was deep in thoughts while pressing down on her lips, she gave off a sense of ruthlessness and ambition. The way she carried herself made others feel that she was not to be messed around. She was rather cute when she smiled and talked to the people opposite her after she was done thinking. She was like a tiny, satiated cat, soft and adorable.

She was beautiful and attractive.