Hot Mountain Springs Villa 7

Qi Qingyao felt worse after she said that. She turned her head to Lu Yan and said in a serious voice, "The idea that such handsome men have to eat and take a dump as well makes me sick to my stomach."


Lu Yan really did not know how to respond.

The white cat in his arms also looked at her dumbfoundedly. He silently looked at Si Jin, who was eating puffed rice candy, and thought, 'What does he see in this woman and why does he insist on staying by her side? How incomprehensible; his taste is worrying!'

Qi Qingyao suddenly noticed that Lu Yan was not eating anything. She patted his shoulder happily and said, "Fortunately, you don't have to eat, so you don't have to take a dump as well. When I think about it this way, Little Yan is still the most handsome!"

Lu Yan turned green in the face. He reminded her matter-of-factly, "I have to eat and pass motion as well, thanks."

Qi Qingyao pouted and remained silent.