Getting Rid of the Old Lady 2

Qi Qingyao looked at the old lady raising a stink and recalled how the lady often acted like this in the past as well, regularly cursing the name 'Qi Qingyao' as if the owner of the name was a dog. Sometimes, when she was upset, she would even kick the old Qi Qingyao to vent her frustrations.

Unfortunately, this time was different from before.

Qi Qingyao opened her eyes, her expression clear and cold.

Her eyes were coated with frost and snow.

She uttered, with a voice that was soft and slow, "Who are you, to have the nerve to come here and attempt to teach me a lesson?"

The old lady was stunned for a moment, then said even more angrily, "I'm your grandmother!!"

The corner of Qi Qingyao's lips curled up into a very sarcastic smile.

The old lady felt she was being mocked.

She felt that this new version of Qi Qingyao was very dangerous.