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After Qi Qingyao was assured that Si Jin would never die because he was a grand master, she could finally relax after a few nights of fretting and worrying. She slept well that night.

The next morning… she woke up on her own, or rather, someone else woke her up.

Steward Zhang's messenger came forward to report to her, saying that a plump lady named Gu Shanshan and two other men had come looking for her. He asked her whether he should invite them in or to chase them away.

Qi Qingyao raised her brows, "Gu Shanshan?

She had them invited inside the house.

Qi Qingyao washed up, changed her clothes, and walked into the living room. The guests had already been seated and the servant girls were already serving them tea.

The look in Gu Shanshan's eyes lit up when she saw Qi Qingyao.

She ate the cakes and pastries while asking which shop she had gotten them from.

Before Qi Qingyao could answer, Gu Shanshan cut her off.