Mo Yang and Gang 2

Zhu Shen was also very awkward. "I don't know either. Lady Qi said Erniu was missing when she woke up early this morning. She searched all over the yard but still did not find her…"

Qi Qingyao let out all of her anger with severe, rapid-fire lashings at Li Ruoxuan. In a few seconds, she painted him as a peerless scum and the devil incarnate.

Zhu Shen listened to Qi Qingyao's ranting and felt cold sweat dripping down his head. This was bad.

Normally his Master would have asked someone to snap her neck and use her as a stool already.

Could it be that the recent vegetarian diet had led to his much milder temper, or maybe it was because there was a grand master behind this little lady, so he was afraid? He did not say a word, just listening to her rant.

When Qi Qingyao was done venting.

Li Ruoxuan had also finished drinking the extremely bitter medicine.