Mo Yang and Gang 9

Gu Shanshan could not help but cry out once she snapped out of her daze.


She pulled Qi Qingyao over to one side and said, "Y-you, you have no idea who Gong Sunshe is?"

Qi Qingyao replied earnestly, "I just got to the city, so what's so weird about not knowing who he is? Is this old man really famous?" However, Cangjing Lake did sound very familiar to her.

She had heard of it before.

She had forgotten where she had heard it from, though.

Gu Shanshan quickly said to her, "A grand master from Southern Ming who likes to cultivate at Cangjing Lake! His name is Gong Sunshe."

"That guy?" Qi Qingyao was stunned for a moment. "That guy is a grand master?"

Gu Shanshan pulled Qi Qingyao further away and wiped the sweat off her forehead. It was winter, but she was still sweating. Where was her brother when she needed him? Where the hell had he gone to?