The Crowd Panics 1

At the residence. 

A subordinate dressed in black clothes entered and hurriedly rushed to the door of the State Preceptor's room. After knocking, they waited for the person to shout "enter" before pushing the door and walking in respectfully.

Looking directly at the eye-patched man sitting on the arhat couch meditating, he cupped his fists slightly and spoke.

"State Preceptor! Master Zhu Shen has secretly shared with us some intelligence from Chunjiang Restaurant. He said that Lady Qi was at the restaurant, and she had her daughter in her arms. Gu Cheng and Gu Shanshan of the Eastern Ling Gu family are traveling with her. At the same time, there are two grand masters at Chunjiang Restaurant." 

Li Ruoxuan, who had been seated cross-legged in meditation, suddenly tilted to one side. After regaining his composure, he got up, patted the dust off his body and said, "Two—why are there two!" 

He was talking about the grand masters.