The Grand Master Has Arrived 1

Lu Yan thought about the blueprints and then some other things. He connected everything together piece by piece. Staring at her with big black eyes, he slowly said, "You drew these blueprints by yourself, which means that you also had to have drawn the blueprints of that house in Linquan Village. They're not Master Architect Li Qinglian's masterpieces at all. So the question is, are you Master Architect Li Qinglian's apprentice? If not, then from whom did you learn your talent for architectural design?

"Also, if you have no relation to Su Hexiao, that means you're the one who treated the Lord Heir.

"It's just that outsiders mistakenly thought that it had to be an expert divine physician like Su Hexiao who had the ability to cleanse the toxins in the Lord Heir.