So Jealous I Could Die 2

After a while, Dong Jing rushed into the room.

He looked at Lu Yan, who was getting dressed.

"Master, last night, y-y-y-you…"

Dong Jing could not articulate his words clearly anymore. "You let Lady Qi sleep with you?"

"What are you saying?!" After Lu Yan got dressed, he rebuked him. "Is that considered sleeping with me?"

"..." 'Is it not?! Lady Qi had clearly said your bed was nice to sleep in! Did she sleep on the bed while you slept on the ground?' Dong Jing looked at Lu Yan suspiciously.

Lu Yan stroked his chin and smiled a little contentedly. "We slept in the same bed!"

"..." Dong Jing's jaw almost dropped to the ground. That was very fast progress.

"But we used two blankets." Lu Yan was still smiling happily.

"..." 'Oh, that's how it is!'