
Lu Yan also noticed that Si Jin seemed unhappy and was in a bad mood. Before this, Lu Yan only knew this guy as a little cutie, but now when he looked at Si Jin again, his feelings toward him were more nuanced, because he was now a famous grand master.

Lu Yan coughed lightly, put on a calm pretense, and left the side hall.

Steward Zhang, who was at the door, and the little maid who was serving them also quickly left.

When only Qi Qingyao and Si Jin were left in the side hall, Si Jin pouted and complained in dissatisfaction. "He kissed you, yet you still won't let me kill him."

Qi Qingyao looked at the kid's angry appearance and shrugged. She said with a look of indifference, "It was just a touch of the lips, yet you're calling that a kiss. What an innocent child."

She approached instinctively, wanting to pat Si Jin's head.

However, Si Jin turned his head slightly and dodged it.