A Royal Decree 3

The very ordinary-looking middle-aged man held the jade tablet in his hand. Just as he was about to stuff it into his sleeve, he suddenly felt a fierce gaze. He put down the jade tablet as he let out a dry laugh, then said that he had taken a great liking toward the phoenix totem on the top. He asked the store owner about its price, and the store owner answered with a number. The middle-aged man promptly retrieved some cash from his sleeve to pay. Happily, he took the tablet and left quickly before the store owner could return his change. 

Upon leaving the gem store, he cautiously walked down a few streets. He even pretended to have nothing to do—choosing to grab a meal before returning to his fabric shop. 

At his fabric shop, the middle-aged man asked an employee to continue watching over the shop. He explained that he felt mildly sleepy after his meal and wanted to return to his room for a short rest.