A Royal Decree 13

 Qi Qingyao said with a fake smile, "I wonder why has the State Preceptor come again?" 

"I came to see you, of course." Li Ruoxuan was also easy-going. After entering the side hall, his expression when he spoke was very calm.

"..." Qi Qingyao also looked very calm on the surface but internally she still held some fear of being found out. Who would have thought that he would come the moment Si Jin left? Could it be that he knew Si Jin was not around?

Li Ruoxuan had been State Preceptor for many years. If he could not even observe one's words and behaviors, how could he manage his job? He was keenly aware that Qi Qingyao's mood seemed calm, but her entire person was a little taut which made him a little curious. "You're very courteous today."

"Am I?" Qi Qingyao laughed. 

Li Ruoxuan looked around and then noticed that there was only Qi Qingyao and Lu Yan in the side hall. He asked, "Why don't I see Si Jin?"