Qingyao’s Decision 7

Naturally, Qi Qingyao could not sleep soundly that night. Not long after returning to Qingzhou City, the sky lightened. She packed her luggage in her room for a while then immediately went and sat in the side hall, waiting for breakfast. When strands of morning light began shining from the east, Lu Yan awoke. Seeing that Dong Jing had not returned, he got up and, after washing up, went to the side hall only to see that Qi Qingyao was already sitting there quietly, sipping her morning tea.

Qi Qingyao looked up and saw Lu Yan walking in through the door. She said straightforwardly, "I made use of some of your people last night but don't worry, I paid."

"I had Dong Jing go with you so that you can use my people to help you deal with whatever troubles you might have." Lu Yan rubbed the spot between his brows and sat down. Internally, he was thinking, 'I asked Dong Jing to help you so why did you go and give them money? She's acting so distantly.'