The State Preceptor Was Attacked 2

The guests of the inn could not stop staring at the tiger guards, each of them feeling their scalps tingling. There were no other inns nearby, so they did not dare leave either. They could only murmur in their hearts, wondering what kind of group could warrant such a group of guards.

It was normal for people to stay in the inn at night. There would always be guests chatting over food and drinks in the large hall. Tonight, however, at two o'clock, the entire hall was completely devoid of people...the guests had all returned to their rooms, "sleeping" quietly like chickens. 

When Qi Qingyao woke up, it was already daybreak, and the three little children had slept their fill. Erniu said she wanted to get up and pee so Qi Qingyao had her relieve herself in the chamber pot. The children could not sleep anymore and they all woke up noisily.