Late Night Confession 4


Qi Qingyao was not at all happy after hearing this. She stared at the man in the moonlight, livid. "What do you like about me? My face? That can't be it, there are many beautiful girls in the capital. Is your taste so eccentric that you only fancy widows? Do you like fickle and lascivious women? Or do you like young women with children? Or is it because you are jealous that Li Ruoxuan had ascended into grand mastership and you hadn't, so you decided to get advice from Si Jin? And since you know Si Jin won't help you, you're taking the roundabout way by manipulating me? Look, I did not mince my words at all, so you already know my stand on this. You don't have to be scared of Si Jin killing you and resort to indirect means like confessing to me. No one would buy it."

Jiang Yeqian, "..."

Qi Qingyao was trying very hard to look restrained. She added faintly, "It's already late, please leave if you are done."
