Each One Upping Another

Conflict broiled that night till late midnight. Jiang Yeqian and Lu Yan both came to live in the State Preceptor's residence. 

The steward of the State Preceptor's residence was also quite flustered given that the State Preceptor was generally not in the residence. Even when he was there, he rarely asked for much. When he was in, the rumored ruthless State Preceptor was either in his study or meditating in the garden. He was practically as quiet as a prophet. He seldom made things hard for the maids and servants and treated the people under him quite well!

The State Preceptor's residence only got merrier after Qi Qingyao came to live there. The maids in the residence also seem to have sensed the merriment and would occasionally play hide and seek with the little children! The days passed happily.

However, from tonight onward, all the servants knew that things might not be as peaceful in the State Preceptor's residence anymore…