A Dream

"Zaire?!" the 13-year-old David reached out to a tall girl, who was sitting on the edge of the swimming pool. Slowly swinging her legs back and forth, and the chilly wind is caressing her long light brown hair.

Zaire, the tall girl turned back and saw the teenager standing there with a teary face. David is wearing the pink shirt which was gifted by Zane and a pink flower-shaped clip securing a side of her black long straight hair.

"Yes, David?" Zaire turned her head to the pool's direction. She already knows that why David has come to her.

"Where is Zane?" David's voice was sounding slightly cracked. She was trying her best to keep her cool in front of the sister of her best friend, or perhaps her to-be-boyfriend, Zane.

"Forget him." Zaire got up. Her legs are soaking wet. And she started walking away.

'Forget him.' That's the last two words David ever heard from Zane, perhaps from his family.

As the wind passed by, there was this girl standing as her beautiful black hair's flying. Tears start forming in the corner of her eyes.

Suddenly someone placed their hand on her shoulder from behind. Her eyes widened, and she turned back. It was this green-eyed, handsome boy smiling at her.

"Zane?! You're here?" tears kept falling from her eyes, no one's sure if she's happy or sad, "Do you know how much worried I was when everyone said you left this country?!" Without giving Zane a single chance to explain David hugged him instant, as tightly as her hands could hold him. Soon after she hugged Zane, he said nothing nor hugged her back. He tried to loosen her 'tight' hug. And he was successful with that. He got out of her embrace. Their gazes meet. But Zane's staring was colder than ever. After some time, he distorts into particles and slowly fades away. David tried her best to hold him back and hold her tears, but she failed. Zane was gone. She fell on the ground half-standing, her mouth slightly open and uncountable tears kept falling from her eyes, and this time anyone could tell how badly sad she was by seeing the amount of her tears shedding.



David's eyes widened. She felt her pillow slightly wet. After laying on the bed for like 15 minutes straight, she decided to get up and start the day already, rather than think about the dream she saw a few minutes ago, 'Why am I still seeing the same crappy dream about that boy again?' she yelled at herself. She got off her lavish-looking exquisite magenta-colored king-size bed. And made her way to the bathroom. She took a glance of herself at the mirror. Seems like her eyes have been sore, the marks of dried tears are still visible in the tear ducts of her eyes. Was she crying in her sleep earlier? If so, why? Is it because of that boy? Whatever, she doesn't wanna think about 'HIM' now. She gathered all of her long straight 'white' dyed hair and held them up in order to tie a bun, but she wasn't seeing a hair tie near her. Oh, yes, now she remembered. There was a hair tie beside her bed, on the side table. David quickly tip-toed to her side table, holding all the white hair up. Yeah, the pink fluffy hair tie is under the royal-looking lamp, beside her jPhone 12. While David was tying her hair into a bun, her phone started vibrating. She looked at the phone screen to see who was calling her. It was Darci, the Mrs. Wallace aka her mom, one of the most important persons in her life. A call from her mother made her gloomy mood brightened up.

"Yeah, my great mom. What's good?!" David responded.

"What's good? That you pack your bag as your flight to Landford is in this afternoon." David's eyes widened in shock as she heard her mom from the other side of the phone.