A Sudden Move of Him

"W-why? Why from all the 7.8 billion people in this world, why is this roommate of mine happened to be Zane Sinclair?" she murmured before she squatted and placed her hands on the head. Her hands are supporting her head perfectly. He literally called her his girlfriend to control the situation. GEEZ, what's with this Zane?! David's cheek was turning red as she thought about that moment when he called her his girlfriend. No, she has to talk with him about this. Well… what David wonders now is does he already knows that she's that childhood best friend of his? Did he recognize her? If he recognized her, then why didn't he say anything to her? David doesn't think so. She looked at her white hair and grabbed some as the hair fell through her fingers. It's been seven years, she has changed a lot. There's about a 1% chance for Zane to recognize her, only if he remembers about the girl from his past. Who knows, he can identify her once he looks at her again. Yeah, she will carefully follow Zane's expression once he talks with her again. Now about this boy's dormitory matter… yup! She has to call Darci. After all, Darci was to find her a suitable dorm. David quickly took her phone from the bed and dialed her mom's contact number.

"Mom?! What do you mean by it's an annual contract?!" David was sure speechless.

"Listen, David. Yeah, I apologize on behalf of Danny for booking a boy's dorm for you. And I believe Dan must've had his reason to do that. But I don't think you can get out of the dorm right now. They signed an annual contract for you. Which means you at least need to stay there for 1 year." Darci paused, "And I've spent over 1 million dollars to secure your room. You know how much I hate to waste money."

"Mom, what?! 1 million dollars?! Are you insane? Is this dorm that expensive?! And I have to stay here with a male roommate for 1 year? Mom, do you even know what you are talking about?!" David's mouth agape, "Mom, are we even the owner of Wallace Group of Industries? Can't you manage another dorm?! Or let got the idea of a dorm. What about a condominium? Or just a simple plain apartment?"

"You know, it filled all the dorms up during this time spree. The demand for only a dorm room is increasing. If you lost a dorm now, you are never getting another. And about the condominium, I will think about that." David's mom cleared her words.

"THANKS! Thanks a lot! Now when do I get out of this dorm?" She sounded somewhat very desperate, however… Darci knew exactly what to do. A small grin appeared on the mother's face. No one can tell the meaning behind this grin, "David, I already told you, it was an annual contract. I will talk with the dorm manager and your assigned manager. I will surely find a solution. And they will inform you later."

The young lady had nothing to say, she just let out a sigh, "Fine mom. Please make it quick." She hung up the phone and sat on the bed. 'Geez, Mom. It was the only job I gave you, and you messed it up.' David took her phone, pressed the 'on' button, the screen of her phone lit up, and…. it's 5 AM already.

Suddenly she heard a knock coming from the main door. "Miss White-haired Wallace? Can you please open the door?" the low, deep voice of Zane struck on David's ears. Her cheeks immediately turned red. Oh, gosh… Zane's voice has changed so much in these 7 years.

"Ms. David?" She can hear another knock. The young lady instantly tried to change her flushed face. And ran towards the door.

"Oh, hi again..." Zane smiled nervously and scratched his head as David opened the door and stood against him.

"Hmm… Hi," She also followed his gesture and shyly scratched her head while smiling.

"Well, it was Zane, right?" David acted like strangers until Zane recognizes her. Yes, that will be for the best. After what happened 7 years ago, she doesn't think that both of them will be able to face each other normally while talking about the past. Therefore, starting a new relationship with him would be best, as it seems like he doesn't know David at all.

"Yeah, it's Zane." He got inside while David locked the door. Her heart was beating fast, the presence of Zane was enough for her heart to race like hell. It's not that she's still in love with him, she has moved on from him years ago. It's just… she's still not used to the shock she got a few hours ago.

"Well, I guess we haven't introduced ourselves formally, yet." Zane stopped walking and turned at David, who was still trying to cope up with the situation.

"Y-yeah," She looked down and scratched her head. "So I am Zane Sinclair, a freshman here at Landford University." He paused, "What about you?"

"Oh, same here! I am also a freshman year." David hated to introduce herself again to this person, who used to know her more than anyone else in this world.

"Your major?" Zane looked at her, trying to figure out her expression.

"Actually, I haven't decided yet." The boy took the bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"Oh, you should decide things fast, you know, the first semester classes are starting in a week." Zane sat on the bed as he opened the bottle's lid and took a sip. Hearing his words, David's eyes widened. She gulped and turned back, facing Zane.

"Thank you for reminding me that." She smiled, "And I think we have some things to discuss, Zane." She crossed her arms as she approached him, "How am your girlfriend? How can you explain to others that it was a slip of tongue?"

The atmosphere was purely silent after David stated her questions. He was sitting on the bed, and she was standing still in front of him. They were exchanging gazes at each other, more like a staring competition was held.

"Who said it was a slip of a tongue?" David's eyes widened at his answer. As for Zane - he was smirking.

Afterward, he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. In a flash, she was pinned against the soft bed.

He was on top of her. Their faces were inches apart until-

"You know, I can make that statement of mine true through many ways. So that no one can doubt us." Zane's words hit David differently.