~If you don't know how to live, why wonder about death?~
"Amandla Stenberg is so pretty."
Maya gushed.
"Yeah tell me about it. It's the hair for me though." I added in agreement.
Apparently, Maya's version of computer lessons was watching movies on Netflix.
"Who's Amandla Sternberg again?" I looked at Miskha as though she'd grown a pair.
"Weren't you the one who chose the movie?" Maya wondered.
"Well excuse me for having an interest in only Nick Robinson. "
We chatted our way to the locker room, where we changed into our volleyball gears and headed to the court. Some of our teammates were already present. Maya's phone rang and she excused herself at the same time I spotted Severina at the other side of the net, batting a ball. I jogged over to where she was and skillfully snatched the ball from her hands.
"Is that a challenge?"
I smirked and twirled the ball in between my fingers.
"Do I have to voice it out to you?"
"Very well then, on with it Lil sis."
"And how about you showcase this "challenge" of yours on the court." Miss Wilson, our volleyball coach interjected from behind me. People need to stop popping out of nowhere.
"Now?" Severina asked.
"Why not? It's going to be a match today Anyway."
"Really? who're we playing against?" I could barely contain my excitement. Test matches were and are always my favourites. I get to openly display my skills and improve on some techniques.
"Amongst ourselves duh, who else?" Severina sighed.
"So which team gets to start first?"
"It always starts with a volley Maya." Miss Wilson replied.
"You've got to be kidding me." Maya's mouth hung agape as she stared straight ahead.
The words died in my mouth when I looked towards the entrance.
Advancing towards us were Zara and her minions in their inappropriate gears, comprising of tight spandex shorts and tank top. The guys' wolf-whistled from the bleachers, gawking at their figures in display.
"Oh, there they're. You'll be playing against them." Miss Wilson chirped. Impossible.
"Since when does She play volleyball? She's a dancer I thought?" I can't remember ever hearing Zara talk about volleyball, let alone play it. Her minions, yes, those I can personally attest to because we all play in the same team for nationals. Zara? no. Never in a lifetime.
"Yes, she's a dancer but you'll be surprised to know that she's a very talented volleyball player too. Her skills and moves are show-stopping." The manner in which Miss Wilson talked about Zara surged a sudden bolt of jealousy in me.
"Guess lying comes off as second nature to her." Malu snarled and I couldn't agree more. Zara's been lying to me my entire life.
"We can't tell firsthand if she'd lied because Phina isn't saying anything so," Severina argued, tying her shoelaces.
"But I thought she told you back then she wasn't interested in volleyball when y'all were friends, ain't it Seraphina?" Maya asked, confused.
"Not uninterested Maya, but hate. She said and I quote "volleyball's not my thing, I legit hate it." I couldn't overcome my shocking senses.
"Well, it is what it is. People can't disclose everything in their lives to you. What's friendship anyway?"
Severina was only fueling my irritation.
"Why do I feel like you're always on Zara's side?" Severina's face hardened from Maya's accusation.
"I'm not taking sides I'm just refraining from being judgemental which I think you should do too." She fired back.
"The girl's been lying to you her entire life," Malu stated the obvious.
"What did she gain from this?" Leila added.
If not, what else?
"Well, well, if it isn't the queen bee again."
"Just how obsessed are you?" Maya snorted.
"And who gave mouth to the tail?" Assiya, one of Zara's minions taunted.
After we fell out, Zara found herself a new group of friends in barely a week, while I was depressing my ass out.
They're the school's Top class-A bitches. Starring is Nicholette Sawyer, the bully queen. You might as well transfer if you fall in her net. Next is Assiya Fadhal, the "I'll tell you shit in your face and you won't do shit about it". Lastly, Rachel Jesse, the fighter. She doesn't talk much and God saves anyone who falls on her bad side. Kabia tried it before and the result was a permanent dark scar on his right cheek. The girl wasn't to be messed with.
Zara's gang had the most male attention. All hatred aside, their beauty was no lie. Zara is a chocolate Dominican. Assiya and Nicholette are light-skinned Americans. Rachel is a dark-skinned Jamaican. The violence wasn't stolen.
"Volleyball huh? Since when?" I asked
"Forever." She smirked.
"Your entire life is a lie. Don't you feel disturbed by that?"
"Just because I protected my private life from you doesn't mean I lied."
"Protect? are you even hearing yourself? you think I'm a snitch?"
"It doesn't hurt to be discreet at times."
"I regret every second spent with you."
"Your words not mine." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"It's been years bitch, get over it already." Nicholette repeatedly snapped her fingers in my face.
"This is my game and I set the rules. Watch out." Zara blew on my ear, making me shiver.
"Tick tock." Assiya bumped my shoulder as she trailed behind Zara.
"Tattle tails," Leila mumbled.
"You say something?" Rachel dared and I almost cracked up at the way Leila's face drained off colour.
"Uh uh. No, nothing at all." She stuttered, frantically shaking her head.
Rachel gave her a warning glance before leaving.
"Phew, that was close." Leila exhaled with a hand over her heart. We laughed and went over to where Miss Wilson stood.
"Okay, so this is how it'll go. Seraphina, as I said, you'll be the leader of your team and Zara had been chosen by her teammates. Clear?" She explained and we all nodded in understanding.
"Zara and Seraphina come over." She called and stood between us before tossing a coin. I watched with a hitched breath as it landed back in her hands.
"Zara, head or tail?"
She brought her hand between us and opened it, revealing a head. Zara looked at me and smirked.
"Head it is. Zara, you go over to the right court and Seraphina your stay."
"Zara one, Seraphina zero and the game is yet to start." She drawled provocatively.
Our teammates took their respective positions on either side of the net likewise the referees.
"It's going to be a tough game. " Malu countered from her outside hitter position beside the referee.
"Tough makes it fun."
The whistle ultimately blew, initiating the commencement of the game.

My love by Justin Timberlake👆
The final match was twice as intense as any of the previous matches and lasted longer but despite the difficulties, fouls and injuries, we managed to pull through and took Zara's team out by a point. It was a huge celebration on our part and I was hoisted up by Kabia who came all the way down from the bleachers.
"Put me down you big fool." I laughed hitting his hardback, stupid football players. I wonder if they feed on rocks.
"Nice game captain." Ashley, one of my teammates complimented me.
"Thanks, Ash." I smiled.
Soon all our friends joined in on the victory celebration.
"Hot moves babe." Enrique bit my earlobe, making me shiver in delight.
"Thanks, babe." I turned in his arms and kissed him on the lips.
"Y'all are dramatic. It was just a test match, not nationals." For some reason unknown to me, my twin seemed to be pretty much on edge and it was annoying.
"Winning against Zara means everything in the world." Everyone nodded in agreement with Maya's statement.
Zara and her crew passed by and she momentarily stopped only to stare at me with distaste.
"That was pure hatred." Maya laughed.
"Are you a psychologist now?" Here we go again.
"What do you mean?"
"If you must know, it's only psychologists who can decipher an individual's emotions by merely looking at them."
"Only a dumb person wouldn't be able to notice the hatred Zara has for Seraphina. I shouldn't be telling this to you of all people. Some twin you are."
Oh shit.
"Keep my family out of your business okay. You're only a friend to Phina and I suggest you stay that way." Severina's veins popped in fury.
I discreetly pinched Maya's arm for her to flow with the silence code but the girl had other plans.
"Yeah, whatever but let this be the last time you mention my family. You don't know a crust of what Seraphina and I've. You're merely a two-year-old hypocrite of a friend."
"I can't believe you chose Zara over your own blood!" Maya yelled. Stony silence settled for a tad bit until Asher took matters into his own hands.
"Woah, Woah, Maya chill. Look, I don't know whatever the crap transpired between you, Severina and whoever but please don't drag our family into this Yeah. Anything but the family please."
"Thank you, bro." Severina mused.
"How am I bringing your family into this Asher? Severina's on Zara's side and that's not fair to Phi...
"It's none of your damn business girl, stop being a hypocrite." Asher lashed out, making Maya visibly whimper.
"Why are you doing this?" She sobbed but Asher only gave her a confused look. This doesn't look good. if I don't stop her now she's going to spill it. I pulled away from Enrique's grasp and grabbed Maya's arm.
"Maya come with me please." She pulled her hand back almost violently.
"No, I've to tel...
"Maya!" She froze on spot while the rest looked taken aback by my sudden outburst.
"Come with me." Upon reaching the locker room, I sat her down on a bench and squatted on the floor.
"I can't believe he called me a hypocrite."
"You should've kept quiet but no, you just had an entire article to read about how Severina's wrong and you're right."
"But she's been on Zara's side for fore...
"Leave that for me to deal with. I know what you're talking about and believe me when I tell you I've known this hard fact one year back."
"Really? and you've done nothing about it?" I shook my head and handed her bottled water.
"Thanks. Never have I ever in my entire life of existence seen a person siding with her twin's enemy."
"You did now. I was initially shell-shocked and hurt, but I grew used to it as the days passed."
"Does she know you're aware of this?"
"Severina duh."
"I don't know. I supposed she does. But you know how reserved Severina is."
"Do you mean to say you guys don't have that close connection?"
"Yeah, something like that." I nodded, gulping down more water.
"Not even share some private stuff?"
"We sleep in separate rooms, Maya." She was annoying me now. I don't like being questioned. Especially when it's relating to my family.
"My bad, just surprised. "
"This discussion ends here okay." I don't need another snitch in my life.
"You think I'm Zara?" I immediately felt guilty for thinking of her that way.
"I'm sorry. It's just that I've never revealed this to anyone before and I'm afraid of the consequences that'll rise if such sensitive information goes viral."
Maya zipped up her pants and closed her locker before facing me.
"You're not only my best friend Phina. You're my sister. Hurting you will be like killing a part of me."
"I trust you."
"I believe you." She smiled.
"Love you best friend."
"And I love you." She reciprocated.
We pulled apart and simultaneously laughed at the fact that we were both
crying. We hugged a final time before she left. I checked the time on my phone and cursed before rushing to the bathroom. It was getting late and the school looks creepy in the dark.
I took a quick cold shower and dressed up. While in the hallway, I felt a presence behind me. Scared of turning to something gruesome, I lowered my head and fastened my pace. The footsteps grew louder and nearer, making me take off without hesitation, with my heart loudly beating in my chest. I halted at the end of the hallway, just a meter away from the exit and turned around.
"Who's there?" My voice shook. I received no response except for the echoes of my voice.
I ran out and sped-walked to where the guys stood, releasing a huge breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Ready?" Enrique asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
He opened the passenger's side of his Cadillac for me and bid the guys goodbye. I entered and closed the door, leaning my head on the headrest.
"Babe, you okay?"
"Yeah." I lied and closed my eyes, hoping to erase the haunting encounter from my mind but miserably failing.
Enrique asked no further questions, which I was thankful for and instead sped away from the school. We were engulfed in a tense silence and all the while I could feel his gaze on me.
"Okay, something's wrong," Enrique stated matter of factly and parked the car at the roadside.
"Why did you stop?"
"Until you tell me what's bothering you, this car isn't moving an inch."
I don't know why people can't respect the "I don't want to talk about it" sign.
"Fine." I exhaled, knowing he wouldn't give up and the last thing I need is to spend the night on a street. He gave me a victorious smile and I threw him a dirty look in return.
"I felt followed while I was in the hallway."
"I don't understand?"
I groaned and slid down my seat, lifting my feet on the dashboard.
"Hey! what's that for?" He pushed my feet off and cleaned the dashboard with a tissue. Boys and their cars.
"Are you seriously prioritizing this car over me? A machine?"I fake gasped, feigning hurt, but Enrique was way too smart than I gave him credit for.
"Nice attempt at changing the subject. You were saying." He smirked. I plastered on my best puppy-dog face but all in vain.
"Not this time babe" he laughed.
"Ugh. It's just that while I was in the hallway, I felt followed and at a point, the person's footstep grew heavier and nearer as though they were running but disappeared in thin air when I reached the exit."
I realised that saying it out feels ten times scarier than even the real encounter. Enrique was quiet for some time, looking deep in thought before he sighed and inserted the key in the ignition.
"And you didn't bother to call me."
Here goes nothing.
"I wasn't thinking straight and my phone was switched off." I defended.
" I told you to do away with that habit. Emergencies could happen at any time. What if something happened to you? how do you think I'll feel?"
I couldn't help the disappointment I felt, knowing I was responsible for making him feel this way. How could I be so stupid?
" I wasn't prepared. "
"You've got to make sure we keep in touch whenever I'm not around okay?
I don't want you to get hurt yeah." He softly said and gently turned my body to face him.
"I'm so sorry." I croaked, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Hey, shhh." He unbuckled my seatbelt and sat me on his lap, caressing my back.
"I didn't mean to get you so worried. I thought I could take care of myself without you." I mumbled in his chest.
"It's okay, I trust you. Don't cry okay. It hurts seeing you cry."
I wiped my eyes and pulled away, focusing my gaze outside.
"Don't cry okay?" He cradled my face in his hands, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded and went to get back on my seat but he pulled me down with a vice grip on my waist.
"And where are you going?" I rolled my eyes and pinched his arm, making him loosen his grip. I took that as my cue to leap back to my seat.
"You're no fun." He pouted.
"Whatever." I stuck my tongue out at him.
He snorted and started the car. The rest of the car ride was filled with our failed attempts at rapping to Eminem's song. We reached my home in less than ten minutes.
Enrique engulfed me in his arms and I almost melted from the warmth radiating off him. His hugs were the best.
"You okay"? He asked again for the thousandth time in half an hour.
" yes, I am, mom."
"Eww. I'm nothing like your mom." He cringed, making a face.
"She's my mom you know." I slapped his arm.
"Yeah, yeah. Says the girl who planned countless ways to kill her mom."
I lifted my hands, intending to slap him but he caught my wrist with ease and brought it to his lips, kissing each finger. I shivered in delight and involuntarily drew closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He held my waist and kissed me softly, but I wasn't into soft that moment. I took matters into my own hands and deepened the kiss.
However, It took Enrique barely a second to respond twice as hard. He knew what I want and how I want it. We kissed for a while before pulling apart for a breath.
"Woah." I breathed, placing my head on his chest.
"That was intense," I added.
"That was nothing." He whispered.
"Oh yeah?" I lifted my head off his chest, staring at him.
"Mhm." He hummed against my lips.
"Guess that's my cue."
"Yeah, Good night." I went on my tippy-toes and gave him a final kiss.
"Damn, I can't get enough of you. Let's go to mine." He murmured against my lips.
"I wish I could."
"I understand. Night love."
"Night rique." I stood outside until he drove off.
I closed the door after stepping in and leaned my back against it, reminiscing about the past few minutes.
It'd been a hectic day but the ending was definitely worth it.
Longest chapter so far.
Do you think Seraphina was being followed?
leave your answers in the comment section.