~Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons~
"Everyone meet the Mahmat's." My mom introduced with a bright smile.
My siblings stared at me with scared expressions, afraid I might do something but I gave them a reassuring smile. I was going to maintain my cool. For now at least.
I stared at my mom and she stared right back with a smug expression. Believe me when I tell you she must've had this entire thing planned, just to get back at me for the other day. I would admit, this was one very unexpected and over the board revenge but you can't possibly expect maturity from an irresponsible adult.
Zara and her parents were led by my mother to the huge dining room and it was then that I took in her outfit. She spotted a black, knee-length, body corn dress, paired with black stilettos. Similar to mine but without the strap, and her curly hair was styled in a messy bun.
"Like what you see?" She whispered when no one was watching and intentionally bumped my shoulder. Wrong move. I discreetly moved the chair before she could sit on it, making her butt-plant hard on the tiles.
Everyone gasped and Tiffany bent down, pretending to fix something on her dress but I knew better. She was laughing.
"Seraphina." Mom gritted out and I gave her an innocent look.
"Oh please, leave the poor girl alone Camille. Zara is the clumsiest out there. She should've been more careful." Mrs Mahmat said, laughing at a now furious-looking Zara.
"Thank you Mrs Mahmat. I didn't even know she fell. I should've been more observant and make sure all the seats were in place. I'm so sorry Zara, I didn't mean it. You forgive me right?" I apologised with fake sincerity and a sickly-sweet voice.
"Right Zara?" I pressed with a challenging look, daring her to say no in the presence of her parents.
"Why not?" She gave me a fake smile and clenched her fist so hard her knuckles turned white.
"You didn't have to dear. Zara should've been more careful." Mrs Mahmat smiled.
"It's fine Mrs Mahmat. I blamed it on her cell-deficient brain." I stated the last part to only Zara's hearing.
We took our seats and I smirked at my mom who was throwing daggers at me. One, zero, I mouthed and she scowled. She's already annoyed and the game's yet to start.
"Zara, honey why not you exchange seats with Tiffany?" Mom offered at the same time Tiffany started protesting.
"No." Tiffany, who was seated beside Asher curtly retorted. I winked at her and lowly giggled. How joyous.
"Excuse me."
"I mean no, the chair is kind of jiggling. The other leg has a problem, and I don't think Zara will be comfortable seating on it, or you won't mind?" That's my girl. I expectantly looked at Zara and nodded my head towards Tiffany, urging her to respond to her question. She glared at me and stabbed her salad hard with a fork. Maybe she's taking the salad for my heart. Pathetic desperado.
"It's okay Aunt Camille. I'm good here." She ignored Tiffany and returned to her food.
The funniest during this entire exchange was the fact that Zara's parents were so oblivious of what was going on. Mrs Mahmat was talking and laughing at my mom whose entire focus was on anything but her. While Dad and Mr Mahmat were engaged in a business conversation from the beginning. Zara was in a death trap. She should've known better than to agree with my mom's dumb idea of a family dinner.
Severina was unusually quiet and only talked when she needed access to anything out of her reach.
"So, Seraphina how's it going with dancing? Zara said you're amazing. I'm so proud of you." No! she didn't
I'd to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing in Natasha's face. Asher choked on his food and Severina gently patted his back.
"Life is interesting." Tiffany chuckled, and mom glared at her.
Zara's parents weren't aware of our fallout. Up to date, they were still living with the belief that we are best friends. How sad. Being caged in a web of lies for years.
"I quitted dancing two years back Mrs Mahmat. I guess Zara must've forgotten to tell you." I turned my gaze to a flushed-looking Zara, who was stuffing her mouth with salad.
"Oh my God. Why dear? you were so perfect."
"You quitted dancing?" Mr Mahmat asked in disbelieve. The men had now taken interest in our conversation.
"Nothing. I just wanted to focus more on important courses which will build a strong foundation for my future and I realised dance might just not be the right thing for me if I truly want to achieve that dream."
"That's an excellent decision. I kept on telling Zara the same but she won't listen. Though I blame it on her mother." Mr Mahmat hissed. Guess I've landed someone in deep shit.
"But honey, there's nothing wrong with dancing." Natasha defended.
"So you want your daughter to be dancing on the streets and be thrown money at like a homeless beggar? Is that what you pray for every day?" Mr Mahmat barked. Natasha's face dropped as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.
"But if it makes her happy and she has a passion for it, you shouldn't stop her from pursuing it. Matter of fact, performing artists secured the top of the world's social ladder. Look at the likes of Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, the moveme...
"Not when your grades are lapsing. " Mr Mahmat interrupted mom mid-sentence.
"Zara needs to learn from Seraphina and take on more important courses. Something which would guarantee her a solid future. Who even majors in performing art nowadays? With this sad excuse of a major, hell will freeze over if Zara secures a career as a janitor in the future." He added.
A knife could penetrate through the tension in the room and unlike the rest, I was pretty much enjoying the soap opera. Mom and Zara should've think twice before messing with me. You just don't mess with a Del Varia and get away with it.
"Um, I'm just gonna go. I've got this upcoming test I need to study for tomorrow." Zara announced, already getting up.
"But honey there's still tim...
"Thank you for the dinner aunt Camille, I truly appreciate it. I'll take my leave now, Mr Del Varia." She dismissed, cutting her mother short.
"I'll take you home." Asher offered. Hypocrite.
"No, it's fine, I'll...
"I insist. Besides, it's already dark outside and not the best time for a lady to be lurking around in the streets."
"You take care dear and have a good night." Mom hugged her.
"Thanks, Aunt Camille and same to you." She smiled and exited with Asher. I would talk with him later when he returns.
There was that fussy awkward silence again and it lasted for a while this time around until Severina got up and bid everyone goodnight, going upstairs.
Tiffany and I followed suit. Leaving the parents to continue discussing on whatever adults like to discuss.
Tiffany and I ended up in my room, laughing our asses off at the events that transpired over dinner.
"And that fall, epic." Tiffany laughed while chewing on a carrot.
"It's the face for me when the dance thingy was brought up."
We decided to spend the night together and have some sisterly time to ourselves.
"You're savage." Tiffany mused.
I smirked and stretched my limbs. I missed gymnastic.
"Well, I learnt from the best."
"And that being?"
"Mom. Who else?" I replied in a duh tone
"Yeah, Dad said she was pretty badass back then."
"Pretty? That's an understatement. Sis, you should have been there the day she put chilly pepper-powder in Patricia's bikini bottom." The memory never gets old.
"No way!" Tiffany's expression was priceless.
"Bruh, you missed out. That day, oh. Patricia's reaction was a must-see. One might even think she was dancing to hip-hop."
"Why would mom do that?"
"According to her, Patricia was shamelessly flirting with Dad in the boardroom during a meeting. Ass all up in his face and crap."
"No, shit. You're lying Phina."
"Actually, she's right." Another voice interjected. We turned our heads to the source and saw Severina seated on the couch. How long has she been there?
"How long have you been there?" Tiffany voiced my thoughts out.
"Long enough to hear your conversation about that bitch and mom."
"Trouble in paradise?" I smirked.
"I'd rather not talk about it." Severina rolled her eyes, flopping down on the space next to Tiffany.
"Woah. This was unexpected." Tiffany breathed and I nodded in agreement.
"I regret every second of being her friend." This ticked me off. Does she now?
"We told you, but you won't listen. We were the "hypocrites"."
She lowered her head in guilt.
"I don't feel sorry for you Severina. Do you think you know everything? No one is beyond advice sis." Tiffany chastised.
"I think she learnt her lesson. "
Something clicked on my mind and I didn't think twice before asking her.
"You and Asher, that day in the kitchen."
" I should've known you were home. The signs were obvious." She groaned.
"What day?" Tiffany asked, clueless.
"I don't know how to say this. I don't even know where to start." She sighed.
I didn't say anything, but instead held my breath and prepared for the worst.
"How about from the beginning? " I suggested but she swiftly shook her head.
"That's not my place to tell but all I can tell you is that Asher has a thing for Assiya."
"What!" Tiffany loudly exclaimed and Severina shushed her as it was late. I remained silent and blank.
"Isn't that Assiya bitch one of Zara's minions?" Our silence was enough answer to Tiffany's question.
"No way." She mumbled.
"Nothing happened though. I stopped them before things surpassed control." Severina hastily reassured.
"What are you going to do?" Tiffany asked and I gave her a dumbfounded look. What does she expect me to do?
"What do you expect me to do Tiff? He's grown and could do whatever he wants. He could date whoever and whenever. That's not my problem. If she makes him happy, then so be it." I said with sincerity.
Severina stared at me like I've grown two heads and Tiffany just had her mouth hanging open. I lightly chuckled and pulled her chin up.
"Just like that?" Severina countered
"No confrontation, no fighting?" Tiffany added and I rolled my eyes at them.
"What do you guys take me for? a Barbarian."
"No, but you don't like Za...
"Fuck no, Zara is a whole different issue. I hate that girl to the core. If it were Zara, I would've chopped Asher's balls off and feed it to crocodiles."
"I sure wasn't expecting this from you." Severina laughed.
"Forget the A's. Let's discuss Zach." I smirked. Tiffany grumbled and delved under the comforter.
"The A's?" A confused Severina asked. How slow was she?
"Asher and Assiya duh," Tiffany responded.
"Oh. Anyway, what about Zach?"
"You just had to ask you, doofus. " Tiffany launched a pillow at Severina, who was quick to catch it and threw it right back, hitting her on the forehead. Never, ever, challenge a volleyball player in throwing.
I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice Severina advancing towards me with a red cloth in hand. However, before I could react, she pushed it inside my mouth. There profound silence for a minute until Tiffany barked out in laughter.
"She..stuffed..your..mouth..wit..with..your...panties." Tiffany exclaimed in between gasps and my eyes visibly widen as her words registered on my mind.
I immediately removed the panties and jumped on Severina, tackling her to the ground. Tiffany attempted to escape but I pulled her ankle before she could reach the door and brought her down.
We spent the rest of the night wrestling, binge-watching Netflix, and discussing random stuff until sleep took over.
These moments were rare but they were ones I always cherish and constantly wished to have a repeat of.
🥺Aww, my heart, cuteness overloaded.
Next update, soon.
Have a good day.