Pitbull ft Kesha: Timber
~The most painful memory I have is of when I walked away and you let me leave~
"What is wrong with this house? What is your room lacking?" My dad argued for the thousandth time that morning.
He was against me moving out of the house but gladly helped my siblings transport their facilities to the dorms.
"Nothing. I just want that sense of independence, that's all."
"Do you mean to tell me that you're not free in this house?"
"That's not what I meant dad. I just want a change of environment. I mean, I've been leaving with you guys for twenty years of my life."
"I don't support your decision."
"And it's okay for Severina and Asher to do the same? That's unfair you know."
"It's not about unfairness Seraphina. It's more about your safety." He pressed.
"What about it?"
"Your life had been at risk twice and it's always in my absence. God forbid, but who knows what might come next."
"I've been on your issue all these days, trying to find top security to protect you. I hate to break it to you but there's a high possibility of someone being on your trail." He continued in a low tone.
Yeah right. Leave it to my Dad to make a situation ten times worse than it actually is.
"You're being delusional dad, no one is after me okay. If anything, your life is more at risk. You're the business tycoon here not me." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
Do you even believe yourself? Shut up.
"It's just an assumption. I care about all of you Seraphina, and it'll kill me if anything happens to any of you." I jumped off the counter and hugged him. Our dad might not be around most of the time, but the way he stresses over us is enough proof that he prioritized us over everything.
"I promise I'll be careful dad. I'm certain these are just coincidence, but I'll be careful nonetheless."
I pulled away and stared at his concerned-filled eyes, which were scanning my face for traces of doubt.
"But is that the case with Maya?"
Maya, not this again. I made it very clear that I don't want to be reminded of that day. Now here he is, using it as leverage against me moving out.
"Just be careful sweetheart, okay?"
"Sure dad. Bye, I love you. Forever and always." I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. He kissed my forehead and reluctantly pulled away.
"Love you too sweetheart and call me when you settle."
"Okay dad, bye." I waved at him one more time before heading out to my car. My bags were already packed in the trunk, thanks to Stella and David.
NYU, here I come.
"Girl, did you pack your entire house?" Miskha groaned, still struggling with the last box. Upon my arrival, the girls were thrilled and Miskha personally offered to help me unpack. Why was she being a grumpy ass then?
"You're just dramatic. It's not even that heavy." Sophia rolled her eyes. Miskha's mouth hung open and she placed a hand over her chest, feigning hurt.
"Okay then, since it's not heavy, why not you carry it instead? Let's see you beat my 'alleged' useless ass." She challenged, placing a hand on her propped hip.
Sophia walked up to where she stood, and picked the box with so much ease, leaving us dumbfounded.
"Show off," Miskha mumbled.
"Don't you even dare." Malu laughed, making Miskha launched her vans at her.
"Money." She curtly said, stretching her hands towards me.
"What?" I played dumb, lightly laughing.
"Didn't you say you did it for the sake of love and friendship." Thank you, Leila.
"Girl, don't you dare play dirty with me. I starved for two hours straight and you're talking to me about friendship and love? this is bullshit. Where is my shoe?
"No shit sherlock," Lalia muttered.
I was laughing so hard my ribs hurt. I pity whoever has to marry Miskha.
"Seraphina money. Girl, there's an entire festival going on in my stomach." She grumbled.
"So you didn't do it for the sake of our friendship?" I mused.
"No, I did it for food. I swore an oath to maintain my loyalty to it." She responded in a serious tone, rendering us a laughing mess, yet again.
I removed a fifty dollar bill from my Jean's pocket and gave it to her. She snatched the money and glared at me.
"What now?"
She couldn't possibly be expecting more.
"This isn't enough. Give me another fifty for a taxi."
I thought wrong.
"You're unbelievable Miskha. What happened to your car?" Leila queried.
"Stay out of this spatula-faced girl." She seethed.
"Damn it Phina, the money. MacDonald's closes at four pm and it's already half three."
I sighed and gave her another fifty, knowing it's my only shot at peace.
"Thank you. That's two chic lingeries." She grinned and stuffed the cash in her bra. I knew all along that she didn't need the money for food.
"I'd trade you for a lollipop I swear." Sophia shook her head.
"Good, so let's discuss the party now."
Earlier the girls had informed me about a party that's going to be held to celebrate the inauguration of the dorms. I was skeptical of attending in the beginning, not being a party girl and all that, but I was left choiceless after much convincing from my friends and Enrique. Well, convincing from Enrique and threats from my friends.
"Yeah, but first things first, shopping is a priority. " Malu said.
"Let's go then. It's almost four pm and the party starts at eight pm. Say our preparation alone takes six hours. We're already two hours late." Miskha explained in a serious tone.
Was it an ordinary party or a Presidential inauguration?
"That makes it more worthwhile, being late with fashion. That's the latest trend." Malu giggled.
"What do you even know about trend? With your God-awful fashion sense." Remind me to buy a filter for Miskha's mouth
"Let's roll on now," Sophia said, breaking the brief awkward tension.
"You look, gorgeous girl." I complimented, taming down Bia's curls. I took it upon myself to doll her up for the party. Nothing extraneous but some spice to boost that Latin girl magic.
"Thank you, Sera." She blushed. Such a cutie.
"Can we go now? It's almost ten." Miskha rushed.
I sprinkled some perfume and applied a dark red lipstick before slipping on my
White Roman sandals. All done.
We drove in Sophia's car and arrived ten minutes later. The venue wasn't that far from campus.
"Woah! it's a tornado out here." Malu venerated in wonder.
The house was packed. Some students were already wasted on the front lawn, either making out or purging. Is it even worth it? the answer to this question shall remain unknown.
The moment we stepped inside, it was as if Miskha was injected with some sort of hype serum, dancing and screaming at the top of her lungs. She ultimately disappeared from sight, my best guess was, to get herself wasted. And the party is yet to start.
I took ahold of Bia's hand, since she wasn't very familiar with the tradition, and led us to the living room, where most of our friends were sprawled on the couches.
I greeted them and sat next to Maya.
"Hey." I gave her a side hug. She had quickly recovered from the incident. quicker than I expected.
"Hi! you look hot." She complimented.
"Look who's talking. You cleaned up nice yourself."
"Oh please."
"How's your leg, Maya?" Bia asked from beside me.
"Perfect B, thanks, and you look stunning. You gotta tell me your secret girl."
Bia smiled and lowered her head.
I was about to ask Maya something until I felt wetness on my earlobe, nearly making my soul bequeath my body. I made a sharp turn, only for my lips to come in contact with soft ones. Enrique fucking Romano. Who goes around stealing kisses from people?
"Can't help myself. I've been watching you the second you stepped in." He whispered against my lips and gave me a final peck before jumping over the couch and sitting me on his lap.
"Dude, keep it in your pants until Y'all get home." Severina cringed.
"Guys I'm bored." Miskha drawled.
"Go home then." Kabia shrugged.
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Well, you didn't specify either," Bia remarked, and everyone cooed. She blushed and hid her face behind her hair. That right there was instinct talking, no way could it have been Bia. Ahe was way too shy.
Kabia on the other hand was grinning like a fool. It's as though he'd been awarded a gold medal. The guy was whipped. Not that I blame him though. Any guy in his position would've acted the same, if not worse.
"Wanna get out of here?" Enrique whispered. Instead of responding, I held his hand and lead him to the stairs.
"The condoms are in the top drawer," Kabia yelled. That was followed by a loud smack and a Yelp. I'm trusting Severina on that.
"How do you cope with Kabia?"
"The same way you cope with Miskha." Enrique chuckled.
"No way! Miskha is an entire asylum."
We reached the top of the stairs and walked down a narrow hallway to a small door at the far end. Enrique removed a key from his jacket's pockets and unlocked the door. Unlike my assumption of the door opening to a room of some sort, my mouth hung agape when a spacious balcony, out looking to the huge backyard came into view.
"This is beautiful." I gushed, tracing my fingers on the railing. Enrique held my waist from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder.
"Yeah, beautiful." He placed feathery kisses on my neck, making me shiver in delight. His lips are fire.
It's so peaceful out here. No hormonal couples, no screaming crowd, or purging students. Just us, peace and comfort.
"I'm in love with this house already. "
"Just like how the owner is with you. There's more where this came from. All you've to do is say I do." He mumbled in my neck. Are my ears playing tricks, or did Enrique actually mention this mansion as his?
"You own this house?" The smug smirk on his lips was enough confirmation.
How rich was this guy?
"Mhm. Imagine us together someday, in the balcony like this, caged in each other's arms, while our children are soundly asleep?" He whispered, peppering kisses along my neck.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my lips on his. He pulled me closer by the waist and hooked my right leg on his hip, equally returning my kiss with twice as much passion. We pulled apart for air after some time, but still remained glued to each other. I was about to resume the moment but for the interruption of a strange noise.
"Babe, you heard that?" Enrique asked, beating me to the same question.
"It's like someone's crying." He countered in a low tone. We walked together to the door and slowly opened it, afraid of what might be waiting on the other side. Enrique moved me behind him and flung the door open. The sight before us was astounding and unexpected.
Miskha leaned against the opposite wall, sobbing uncontrollably. I steadily walked up to her and touched her shoulder. She lifted her head, and I almost broke down at the state of her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Her nose, blotchy, and her cheeks, pale.
"Miskha wha...
She shrugged my handoff, and took off down the hallway, disappearing in a corner.
I looked at Enrique and he shrugged in oblivion. No one knew what was going on.
"I'm sure it's nothing major. C'mon, let's go."
"I hope so," I muttered.
But is it really?
Next update, soon.
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