Song: Selena Gomez: The heart wants what it wants.
~You won't understand it until you experience it ~
I woke up to a loud booming sound. My ear agonisingly ringing. Who the hell plays music on a Saturday morning when the entire school could've possibly been sleeping? I groaned and put the covers over my head.
I added the pillow. Same shit. I gave up after several failed attempts and got out of the blanket. I heard distinct giggling and my head snapped towards the source. Zara. Only she'd the nerves to blast music at such an ungodly hour. Although it's nine am, it's still early for me. I don't joke with my sleep.
"Can you turn your music down? Some of us are trying to sleep here."
She played deaf and continued tapping away on her phone as if a brick wall just spoke to her.
"Zara, I'm talking to you."
My patience was running thin. She's prompting me into doing something I wasn't ready for.
That's it. I wasn't a violent person, but once you push me too far, I retaliate. I'm a spiral spring. I stormed to where the speaker was, lifted it over my head and smashed it hard on the floor, sending the debris flying to different parts of the room.
That's sure to leave a message since the human voice wasn't loud enough.
"What the fuck did you just do?!"
No response.
"I budgeted my entire salary for this speaker!"
You knew that and still tested my patience.
"I'm fucking talking to you Seraphina!"
Payback is a bitch sis.
"Oh, God no."
"Is everything okay in here?" The door flung open and Maya stepped in.
"If it isn't your bitch of a bes...
"I don't remember asking you." Maya rudely dismissed, sitting on my bed.
"I miss you." She pouted. When doesn't she?
"It's just been hours, Maya."
No, don't get all giddy. She didn't miss me. She just wanted insight into my date with Enrique.
"Ask away already and stop pretending." I laughed.
"How did you know?" She sheepishly grinned and I rolled my eyes. I knew Maya more than my birth date.
"Tell me everything." Told you.
She stood up, and that's when I took in her outfit. She was spotting a sporty look.
"I'm going for a jog around the field. Came to pick you but turned out you were rather preoccupied. " She giggled, discreetly nodding her head towards a fuming Zara. She glared at me and slammed the door on her way out. Bitch, who wasted energy?
"No, we can go. Let me just change. "
I rummaged through my closet until I found the sealed package.
Fashion Nova. Okay.
I slipped on the skin-tight one piece and pulled my hair into a high ponytail.
"Trust you to undress in front of thousands." Maya chuckled, shaking her head. What's there to hide? It's no secret the type of jewel dwelling at the south pole.
I made sure everything was in place before locking the door. Zara could use her spare key whenever she gets back. If she doesn't have one, God help her.
The field was quite empty today, unlike the previous days when the football players and the cheerleaders will be out, practising.
We jogged for some time and decided to take a break on a bench at the far end of the field. I gulp down some water and passed the bottle over to Maya.
"I can't remember the last time I worked out or did an exercise of some sort. I've been getting lazy these days."
"Come to think of it, I've gained a few pounds lately." She lifted her arm for emphasis. Sure enough, she'd put on weight. I don't know how people do it though, weight gain. I'd been on the same weight for as long as I could remember, forty-six kilograms. Nothing more, nothing less. Thanks to my mother, who made us inhabit a daily three-hour intense workout routine.
With her, you've got to stay in shape. You gain a single pound and you're dead.
"There's a gym a few blocks away, you know that right?"
"I do, but I'm too lazy to start." She whined.
"What do you want then Maya?" She wants to shed weight but doesn't want to hit the gym. How crazy can one get?
"To lose weight."
I scoffed and smacked her upside the head. Severina's reaction whenever I do something stupid.
"Then eat healthily." That's the only option since gym was a pass.
"I can't. It'll be hard."
"Die then Maya." I exasperated, gulping down more water.
"Whatever. So will you attend the meeting today?" What meeting.
"Wait, you don't know?"
I shook my head and she facepalmed, Looking at me with a pointed look. My bad.
"It was announced at the group chat last night." Was in dreamland by then.
"I was offline."
"Severina called for it. She said there are some serious issues needed to be discussed. Like I even know what that meant."
Then it must be serious if my twin went as far as engaging in the group activity. Severina doesn't vibe with us, given that she's mostly reserved. Asher was more her tag-along.
"What do you think it'll be about?" I don't know either, but my best guess revolves around the love triangle. If you don't get it, you're slow.
"I don't know, but I'm positive i...hold on, who's that?" Maya stared behind me and stood up. What's she looking at?
"What is it?"
"Someone was spying o...there he is!" Maya exclaimed and sure enough, a hooded figure stood few feet away, in a secluded corner at the garden. Having realised we spotted them, they slowly backed into darkness before taking off. Maya started on their trail, and without thinking twice, my legs sprung to action, closely following behind her.
This is the same hooded figure from the cafeteria footage. I couldn't make out the gender, but judging from the pace it was running at and the body built-up, I'd say it's a man.
Maya was surprisingly very fast as well. The only struggling tortoise was me. We chased him to the back gate, where he managed to scale the fence and disappeared. Maya went to scale after him but I grabbed her ankle and pulled her down. Was she nuts? He could be a serial killer for all we know.
She cursed and kicked a nearby dustbin, sending the contents spilling on the ground. The poor thing.
"Damn it! I was this close to grabbing him." She put her pointer finger and thumb together for emphasis. Like I gave a flying nugget. She could insult me all she wants but I wasn't gonna put her life at risk. I wasn't going to be responsible for somebody's murder. My best friend especially.
"What were you thinking Maya? He could've been armed!"
She snorted, and removed her jacket, tying it around her waist.
"He wouldn't have been the only one armed." She lifted her tank top, revealing a sharp knife tucked in her spandex.
Sweet Jesus.
"A knife Maya?"
"No one's safe anymore Phina, and anything can happen. Better safe than sorry."
"Come on let's leave this place at once." She grabbed my hand and together we left the field, promising not to mention what we encountered to anyone. Not even to our friends. It was best not to, so they don't freak out or worst-case scenario, get traumatized.
"You wanna come to mine or you'll be fine on your own?"
"I'll be fine," I reassured and hugged her, before going to my room. Zara wasn't around yet, thank God.
I can't handle drama after such an encounter. I decided to kill time with Netflix since the said meeting was scheduled for seven pm.
The day went by in a blur, and seven pm came earlier than expected. I changed into sweats and a bralette before going downstairs to the student-lounging area, where the meeting was said to host.
The room was eerily quiet, and everyone was busy doing their thing. That wasn't a good sign.
"Princess Diana has finally arrived. Shall we start now?"
I glared at Kabia and sat beside Maya, fist-bumping her. Bia was laid on the couch, with her back to us and I noticed a heating pad on her abdomen. Mother nature.
"She's cramping."
Malu smacked Kabia's lips, and I gave her a thumbs up. The guy was just too loud.
"If she didn't know she'd asked." Lalia hissed.
"Why are we here again? I have a test to study for tomorrow." Ace chided.
"Mr-I-am-the-only-one-who-values- education, we all have tests tomorrow, so chill." Malu retorted. I bit my lip to stifle my laughter. Some people are too rude for words.
"Severina, we're waiting." Miskha yawned. I didn't even notice her presence. Sophia too? hell will break lose today. It was a wrong move putting them together in the same room, fully aware that Miskha's rebellious. The girl is the real version of Nikita.
"If Kabia's done, then I'm done." Severina gritted. Kabia went on to protest, but Leila stuffed a tissue in his mouth, effectively shutting him up.
"Thanks, Leila. I don't have much to say...
"That's what they always say and before you know it, we're on a full inaugural spe...
"Kabia, for the love of God shut up."
"Chill out, man."
"At least, do it for Bia. Can't you see she's in pain?" The last straw on the Camel's back. All it took was Caleb mentioning Bia, to have Kabia silent. Love is a weapon of mass destruction.
"As I was saying, I'm going to keep this brief. It's about Miskha, Sophia, Ahmed, and how their drama had brought some sort of conflict amongst us."
"What issue? if anything sh...
"Just listen, Sophia." Malu snapped. This was getting bad already.
"I'll appreciate it if Y'all can do away with the interruptions." Severina was drawing closer to the edge. Impatience was genetic to us. We just don't practise patience for whatsoever reason.
"There's nothing to discuss Severina! Miskha here should stop being a conceited bitch, and accept the fact that she wasn't meant for Ahmed. Yes, you couldn't satisfy his manly needs so he went for someone who could!" Sophia lashed out, astounding everyone with her sudden outburst.
I was personally dumbfounded. I don't know who this girl was, and what she did to our innocent friend. No way could this be Sophia.
"Sophia, are you alright?" Nathan wondered.
You know what, I'm done. Have a good night. " Miskha stood up.
"Where are you going?" I know Miskha like an open book, and believe me when I tell you she wasn't going to bed. She ignored me and took the direction of the stairs. The same place Sophia was seated. Oh no.
By the time Miskha's plans registered on everyone's mind, it was already too late. She had already reached Sophia and swung her fist, punching her so hard that a crack sounded.
Shit! She'd broken her nose, no doubt. Ahmed was the first to react and yanked Miskha off Sophia, sending her crashing on the floor with a thud.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Ahmed barked, pulling a crying Sophia behind him.
Miskha sprung to her feet, but Ace held her down.
"What the fuck's wrong with me? didn't you hear those insults!"
"I don't care. You fucking deserve them. You wretched barbarian!" Ahmed was fuming. The popped veins gave him away.
"You weren't saying that in bed last night." Miskha fired back.
No one dared to utter a word.
"And that's all you'll ever be, a fuck buddy. I only used you for my satisfaction, and now I'll forever leave with the regret. You were nothing but boring and loud. Unlike you, Sophia's a full package, she got the looks and the brain. It's rather unfortunate with you!"
"What? you thought I loved you? you must be delusional. How could you possibly expect me to date another guy's leftover?!" He taunted.
Miskha was visibly shaking in Ace's arms.
"This isn't done, man." Caleb shoved Ahmed.
"What" Miskha looked like she would collapse any minute.
"You don't mean it. You love me." She cried, thrashing in Ace's arms.
"You're an idiot for thinking that." Ahmed snorted.
"Shut the fuck up Ahmed. What the Hell is up with you!" Severina yelled, standing to her feet.
"Miskha, Miskha!, Miskha, oh shit."
Everyone's gaze snapped to Ace's direction, and gasps vented from the room. Miskha had passed out.
"I'll take her to the clinic, don't worry." Ace carried her bridal style and started for the emergency exit.
"I'll go with you." Severina offered.
"So...who wants to watch Sponge Bob?"
Your thoughts on the love triangle?
Next update in few hhours