

Little Mix: Salute

~A friend has the same enemies as you have~

~Abraham Lincoln.


"It's only been days babe."

"So? I still miss you." I pouted. I haven't seen Enrique for a day now. His parents decided to keep him to themselves.

"Just tell the old woman to let you go already. What does she need you for anyway?"

"I'll ignore the fact that you just referred to my mother as old. The same reason you need me for." He chuckled.

"So you mean to say your mother needs you for sex?" 

What else could she have possibly needed him for? What did I just tell Enrique?

"Oh my God." I facepalmed after my own words registered on my mind.

"Are you indirectly offering me sex?" I blushed and hid behind my hair. This idiot turned the tables on me.

"You've gone quiet babe, sup?" He laughed. Asswipe.

"Shoot." A beep sounded in the background at the same time Enrique cursed.

"Sorry babe, I gotta go. Battery's ran down."

"Okay later then."

I hung up and took my keys out of my handbag, opening the door. I returned to campus pretty late given that my mom assigned me to help Peyton with some paperwork. I closed the door and hung my bag on the rag screwed at the top right corner of the door before taking an orange juice from the fridge. Upon turning around, I was taken aback by the sight that awaited me. The carton of juice slipped from my hands and my blood ran cold.

While Zara's side of the room appeared neat, mine was a complete wreck.

The lock on the closet was broken and my clothes laid scattered everywhere.  My study desk's drawer hung open with files, books and papers sticking out. The bedsheet was torn and some portions of it were stained in red. I drew closer and inspected it, only for a shrill scream to escape my lips. A dead cat!?

Attached to the lifeless animal was a yellow sticky paper. I closed my eyes and swiftly yanked it.

You'll travel together. Where the words scribbled down on the note.

I sat on the bed and caged my head in my hands, heavily breathing. Goosebumps covered my entire body. Who could have been here? I could clearly remember locking the door. I couldn't draw any concrete conclusion at this point. Nothing made sense. As if on cue, my Dad's words started replaying in my head.

"It's for your safety Seraphina."

"There's a high possibility of someone following you."

What if Dad was right? Could someone possibly be on my tracks? If so, what could they possibly want from me? Most importantly, why me?

Different thoughts navigated my head. A pounding headache building on spot. I took my phone and snapped pictures of the scene before sending them to Maya. I can't continue the hiding anymore. Things were spiralling out of control.

This was more than a mere coincidence now.

Was it though? Was I being paranoid? Was this a prank?

My best bet was that my friends planned this stunt. Yup, it's most definitely them. I could remember we planned the same thing for Maya junior year.

Then why couldn't I shake the sickening feeling of paranoia? My phone rang, ending my train of thoughts. I checked the caller ID and rolled my eyes before receiving it.

"Yes, Kabia."

"Okay, I'll be there in, let's say thirty." I hung up and sighed, pondering on my next move.  But first, cleaning the room was a priority.  I can't let anyone see this.

The cleaning lasted shorter than expected, after which I took a cold shower and change into comfortable clothes. By comfortable, I merely meant a hoodie and thigh-high pink socks. I received weird stares on my way to the living room, but I couldn't care less. I was too exhausted and Picking an outfit at the time proved harder than calculus.

I could hear their chattering voices all the way from the vending machine, Kabia's specifically.  The guy was louder than mating cats.

Unlike the previous days, the room was rather crowded today. I don't know if I was hallucinating or other students joined in too.

"What in God's name are you wearing Phina?" Asher exclaimed.

"Clothes," I grumbled and sat beside Severina, cuddling to her side. She smiled and extended the blanket, so we were both covered. I sighed in content as warmth engulfed me, contrasting with my current body temperature.

"Severina, I  never knew you were a rebound." Malu laughed. I tossed her the middle finger and snuggled closer to my twin.

"So, Aisha, how do you see American guys?" If Kabia didn't ask this question, trees will have eyes.

"Why do you ask stupid questions?" Leila taunted, causing everyone to laugh. She was right though, Kabia lives for that shit.

Nevertheless, it's Kabia, so you can't expect less.

"I think they're cool, although nothing compared to my hometown guys." Aisha smiled, moving a loose strand from her face. She's gorgeous.

"She's damn pretty," Severina affirmed, and I nodded in agreement.

"Is that a compliment to American guys?" Ahmed chimed in. Aisha laughed and shook her head.

"More like to Gambian guys. They're insanely hot."

"Just like you." Kabia winked. Aisha bit her lip and lowered her head, while everyone stared at Bia. Speaking of Bia, she'd been quiet throughout the entire conversation,  not so much as even sniffing. She had on a hard expression, and an intense glare directed towards Aisha.

"Bia's face Sis." Severina chuckled, making me smacked her thighs.

"You're evil." I giggled.

"Um, so what did you guys decide on, regarding the trip to Gambi..." Aisha started, only for Bia to rudely interrupt her mid-question.

"Not interested. " Bia glared at Kabia, who returned her stare with a vicious smirk. From the looks of it, it seemed as though Kabia knew what he's doing. He's intentionally pushing Bia's buttons.

"Oh, you should though. I promise you'll love it." Aisha gushed. However, Bia completely ignored her and returned to manipulating her phone instead.

"Don't stress it. Mother nature is at work. She'll come around before you know it." Malu assured.

"Tell us more about yourself, Aisha." Nathan requested.

Kabia scowled and shook his head.

"She told us almost everything unless you want her to tell you the number of times she breathes." Everyone cracked up at this. Not even Nathan could fight his amusement.

While my friends chatted away and had the time of their lives, I couldn't erase the previous incident from my head. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, as instructed by my therapist.

"You're unusually quiet Phina. Is everything okay?" Ace raised a quizzical brow at me.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling cold." I lied with a small smile. I know it's wrong hiding stuff from them, but sometimes you've got to hurt your loved ones, to save them.

"She's almost always feeling cold ."Maya snorted. I'd to give it to her, she's good at hiding emotions. She didn't look the least bit disturbed by the pictures I sent her.

"Leave her alone." Severina pulled me closer and ran her fingers through my hair. I love this side of her. The overly protective, motherly side.

"Is it just me, or do they look more like sisters than twins?" Leila didn't just ask that. I stared at her with a baffled expression, while Lalia just facepalmed.

"Keep disgracing me sis, yeah." Lalia shook her head, leaving us a laughing wreck.

"Who taught you English in high school?"No one but Kabia has the nerves to ask such a question.

His package doesn't only come with seduction and partying, savagery was on the line too.

"So, you meant to say they're twins and not sisters," Malu mused.

"Stop putting words in my mouth." Leila scowled.

"Then stop mutilating English. We don't want Shakespeare shaking in his grave now, do we?" I pity the woman who has to be committed to Kabia for eternity.

Leila's flushed face wasn't helping the situation at all. My stomach was already beginning to ache from laughter.

"Thank your lucky stars Miskha's absent. Otherwise, it's over for you girl. " Severina chuckled.

"I know right, Instagram would've seen the scene first," Ace added. Trust Miskha on that. If you want to gain fame in a heartbeat, consult her.

Aisha had that awkward smile on. That one cover-up smile that people plaster when oblivious of a situation, but at the same time don't want to appear clueless. I've been through it several times, and boy was it uncomfortable?

"Miskha is one of our friends," Caleb explained, having noticed her expression as well. Aisha might be always cheery, but her body language gives her away most of the time.  She's easy to read.

"Oh, why isn't she here?"




"She thinks we're too low of people to hang out with, so she decided to part away," Sophia smirked. The disapproving looks she received didn't go unnoticed by Aisha.

"Really Sophia?" Severina started.

"That's unfair you know." Malu scoffed.

"Really, what is?" She challenged. I don't like where this was going.

"Don't you think you're in the best position to answer that question?" Malu retaliated.

"Haven't you done enough already?"

"Malu, pl...

"Don't you dare mention my name, Ahmed. Just don't" Malu venomously spat out.

"First, you stole her boyfriend, and as if that's not embarrassing enough, you decided to rub it in her face. How good of a slut can you be? On top of that, your own best friend, Sophia!"

I extended the blanket and covered my head with it. I was done with drama for the day. If I can't get them to grow up, might as well tune them out.

"The bitch deserves it." Sophia yawned. I don't recognize Sophia anymore. She seemed entirely foreign.

"I'd love to see you mention bitch in Miskha's face." Severina snorted.

"Rina, stay out of it." I nudged her thighs, but she brushed me off.

"She'd just do us all a favour, and end her life." Malu viciously giggled.

"When are we going to grow out of this?" Ace sighed.

"If you can't control your drama, at least have some respect for Aisha. She's new after all. C'mon, are we going to leave traces of our names everywhere we go? A little dignity won't hurt you know." I yanked the covers off my head after hearing that voice. Was that Kabia speaking? Ants grew boobs, no cap.

"Did I hear right?" Severina laughed.

"Y'all have a great day." Malu left, together with the Suraiya sisters. 

"Uh, I'll just take a nap in my room," Aisha muttered and left, Kabia following suit. If this surprised you, then an appointment with a Psychiatrist is highly recommended.

"What are you waiting for? won't you tag along too?" Sophia snarled in our direction. She's on the brink of madness now.

Severina laughed and stood up.

"Unlike Miskha, I'll do more than just break your nose then report myself to NYPD. "

Unlike Severina, I ignored her ass and left the room.

I've had enough stress lately, and Sophia won't add to the pile.

************************************Shit is getting intense, ain't it?😉

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