

Khalid ft SZA, PostM: Homemade Dynamite

~Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals~

~Henry Ford.


I sprinkled on some perfume and applied lip gloss before leaving the bathroom. I adjusted my cropped sweatshirt and slipped on a pair of heeled boots. It's freezing cold outside. I slung my bag pack and descended the stairs, to the dining room. My siblings were already seated, having breakfast.

"Phina, how do you want your pancakes? with or without syrup?" Severina asked while flipping pancakes in the frying pan.

Since when does she cook? We'll die in this house before our parents return.

"I'm on a two-month keto."

"Why?" Asher asked through a mouthful of food. Again. He was the reason Tiffany was adapting the same habit.

"Asher, don't talk with food in your mouth."

"Just fry or whatever your pancakes. Yes, why are you on a carb-free diet?"

Unless he swallows those chunks of food, I'm not going to respond.

"Phina, I'm tal...oww! the fuck was that for, Severina?...oww! the hell?... Severina stop!" He yelped, moving away from the table.

"Number one, never talk with food in your food. Number two, never curse in front of your siblings." Severina aimed the spatula at him again, but he was quick to dodge this time.

"I didn't curse."

"Yes, you did. You said fu...

Tiffany was interrupted by a murderous glare from Severina.

"Complete it, and I'll kill you."

She glided an imaginary zip on her lips and pretended to dispose it before returning to her food.

"So, what will you eat Phina?"

"Don't stress it. I'll just grab a protein shake on my way." Don't get me wrong. Hunger was spanking my ass but I'd rather starve to death than eat Severina's food. The girl had no experience or whatsoever in the kitchen. I didn't miss the grimace on Tiffany's face as she forced the pancake down her throat. Don't ask me about Asher, you could bake a snail for all I care and the guy will eat it. He doesn't say no to food. "That's disrespect to the cook," he said, and I quote.

"Perfect Idea, because God knows I can't make anything other than gluten-free pancakes."

Was I wrong?

"Rina, you're not even dressed. Aren't you going to school today?"  She shook her head in response to my question.

"Nope. No class for a week."

I forgot she'd written her midterm a few days back.

"And you Tiffany?"

"I'll drop her off," Severina answered.

"Let's go, Phina." I bid them goodbye before following Asher to his car.

"Your passenger's side door creaks a lot." I hate noise and this damned car seemed to be merely making that lately. Asher should just get rid of it already. It's been years. How stingy was this boy?

He handed me a huge headset, making me stare at him in question.

"It will help block the sound." He placed it on my lap and drove off. I rolled the window down and threw the object out. An audible gasp escaped Asher's lips but I didn't so much as blink in his direction. He wasn't rude, he's still learning. I'd however achieved a PhD on that shit.

"That cost me fifty bucks." He exclaimed.

"Thank God it's less expensive than the continent of flavoured condoms in your room." I jabbed in a bored tone. He clenched his jaw and remained silent. I yawned and went to lean on the window shield until my mind caught onto something.

"So you finally decided to settle down."  He briefly glanced at me before returning his gaze on the road.

"What do you mean?"


"Don't play dumb with me bro." Who was he attempting to fool here?

"I'm going to pretend like I understand what you mean." Okay, since he wasn't complying, I'll just let it out in the open.

"You're dating Assiya and didn't even bother telling me." The thought still hurt me. The fact that my own brother went behind my back to date my enemy. I have no right whatsoever to dictate his love life, but I couldn't help being disappointed upon knowing that the special girl wasn't Maya. It'll break her if she knows this. Although I felt like I owed her an explanation, I don't want to be held responsible for another person's heartbreak.

However,  what baffled me was Asher's hardened expression at the mention of Assiya.

"Don't you ever mention it to me again!" He snarled. I was taken aback by his sudden outburst.  If he claimed to love his supposed girlfriend, then why was he getting riled at the mere mention of her name?

"Sorry." I apologised in a low tone. Whether his fury was from the mere mention of Assiya's name, or simply me knowing about his dirty little secret, I couldn't make out. He felt offended, and I apologised, verdict disclosed.

I alighted from the car the minute he parked and sped walked inside. I wanted nothing to do with him at the moment.

"Walk gently chica, this ain't a runway." A voice came from behind me and tiny arms wrapped around my shoulders. I smiled when my eyes took in the heart tattoo on the person's wrist. Miskha.

"Where have you been hiding girl?" I haven't seen her in days. She completely isolated herself. I'm in no place to judge her because I'd done worse while in the same situation. I just wished things would go back to normal. To the days when we were always cheery and goofy around one another. When we couldn't do without one another. The bonfires, the road trips, the beach parties, I missed everything, but especially the sleepovers.

I don't know what's happening to us. The group seemed to be gradually dissociating. The bond wasn't strong anymore, and I'm afraid with the way we're going, it might drown into the depths of non-existence sometime soon.

"In my comfort zone." She mumbled.

"What do we have first period? I lost my schedule. " She was trying to change the topic and having caught on, I decided to move with the flow.

"It's free, except we've volleyball practice."  This was one of my favourite days on campus. With volleyball, nothing can go wrong.

We changed in the locker room and went out to the court where our friends and teammates were already present.

"Howdy bitches." Miskha chirped. Trust her to curse even at her dead point.

"Language Pontero!" Miss Wilson snapped, but Miskha only rolled her eyes and threw a casual apology her way. The nerves of this girl.

"We missed you." Leila engulfed her in a hug.

"I know. Who wouldn't anyway?" She scoffed, flicking her hair.  Egotistical much.

"A little 'I miss you too won't hurt you know." Lalia huffed.

"I don't want to sin anymore because I'm on a miles journey to repentance. " She yawned.

"What does she mean again?" Malu countered, causing us to laugh.

"I'd be a renowned liar by saying I miss you because God knows I don't."

"Burn." Lalia laughed. Malu gave Miskha the stink eye and raised her shoe pair in warning.

Maya and Sophia joined in later, and it became the typical awkward moment again.

"You left us, Pontero." Bia was the first to break the silence.

"Yeah, it was the best shit to do. I'd saved my ass from rotting in jail anyway ." She taunted. We all exchanged looks and Leila cleared her throat, excusing herself.

I felt a hand snaked around my waist, making me jump back from fear. Familiar giggling followed suit, and I exhaled, placing a hand over my chest.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out who it was. Only one person amongst us laughs like an electrocuted bunny.

"You scared me." I glared at Aisha

"I know, I'm sorry. That wasn't the intention." She laughed and slung her arm around my shoulder.

"Who's she?"

"Oh, excuse my manners. I'm new here. Aisha's the name." She stretched a hand out to Miskha for a handshake. Miskha swatted it away and instead pulled her in for a hug.

"We don't do handshakes here bitch. Miskha Pontero."

"Yeah, I've heard a lot about you." She smiled. Does she ever frown?

"Good things I hope," Miskha smirked.

Aisha threw her head back and cackled.

"It's Kabia so.." She trailed off, chewing on her bottom lip.

"That bastard." Miskha sighed.

That explained how she knew my name. I wanted to ask but decided to drop the subject. It doesn't matter anyway.

"So, what have you guys decided on the vacation thingy?"

Oh my. I completely forgot about that.

"What vacation? seemed like I missed a lot." Miskha chimed in.

"Not seemed, you did miss a lot," Maya stated.

"We wanted to go on a vacation to my hometown," Aisha explained.

"Speak for yourself." Bia snapped.

Miskha raised a perfectly waxed brow at Bia, before redirecting her questioning gaze to Aisha.

"Kabia." I mouthed. Miskha smirked with a knowing look, a dirty stunt definitely scheming in her head. It's over for Bia and Aisha.

"I think I came at the right time." She smirked.

"We'll discuss it in the group chat today.  Are you a participant?" I asked Aisha.

"Yeah, Kabia added me."

"Kabia huh? Y'all seemed to be pretty cozy with each other." Miskha wiggled her brows. Fucking hypocrite.

"And Bia you sat there with your mouth agape like a water-deprived desert gecko while your man gets pampered by another chick."  Unlike my assumption that this will upset Aisha, she surprised us by laughing, and playfully smacking Miskha on the arm.

"I don't care," Bia mumbled.

"Come again. I didn't hear right." Miskha held her ear and leaned closer to Bia. Slap her already, girl.

"I said I don't care." Bia reiterated in a curt tone.

Miskha clapped and covered her mouth, shaking with laughter.

"So, Latina speaks correct English now?" She snickered. We tried to hide our amusement, but at some point, it extraneous. With Miskha, you're always left optionless.

"Don't mind her Bia, she's an Ass." Aisha mused.

I truly admire her sense of humour. She's very personable and humble. Despite Bia openly shading her Several times, she still continued being nice. Never for once attempting to retaliate.  Just a few days and she'd clicked well with everyone.

"Where's your hometown newbie?" Miskha inquired.

"The Gambia."

"Africa, right" Miskha stated more than asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Aisha looked baffled.

"I've African roots. Senegalese to be specific." Miskha declared. We all stared at her, astounded. Since when was she African?

"Woah. You don't look African in any way." Aisha wondered.

"Technically, I'm not purely African, because both my parents were American born and raised. Only my great grandparents migrated from Senegal and settled in the US. That made me."

Everyone stared at Miskha in utmost horror. The revelation too prompt to emit a specific reaction from anyone.

"She's lying." Maya scoffed.

"Oh, am I? Aisha, Degeu nga wolf?" Miskha stated in a foreign language. Aisha audibly gasped and her eyes noticeably widened.

"Guys, she's not lying. She just spoke one of my country's native languages. "


"The fuck?"

"Miskha since when?"

"No shit sherlock."

Our speeches overlapped as we blabbered in unison. Everyone trying to convey their message. However, our attention was redirected by a whistle going off.

"Gather around and stand in your respective courts. Del Varia, and Pontero, you're in Team Sophia. I've divided you before you came." Miss Wilson informed.

"God help me if I'll play." Miskha turned to leave but I grabbed her hand.

"You're going to ditch practise, and possibly lose credit for some boy drama? Miskha I thought you better than this."

She seemed to be in some sort of dilemma before sucking in a sharp breath and taking her position on the court.

"Pontero! serving's on you." Miss Wilson shouted. Miskha went to grab the ball but Sophia harshly snatched it from her hold.

Doesn't she feel sorry for her broken nose? Miskha ignored her, and picked the ball again, only for Sophia to intercept with a kick on her shin.

"Miss Wilson, I won't be held responsible for her death, okay. My warning alarms have blared enough."

Before Miss Wilson could comprehend Miskha's words, her fist had already connected with Sophia's face. An animalistic scream escaped Sophia's throat as she fell on the floor, covering her now-bleeding, I don't know nose or mouth. I could care less if she lost an eye.

"To the office now! Pontero." Miss Wilson barked.

Oh shit.

"She fucking asked for it!" Miskha bit back.

"I didn't ask for your opinion. To the office, now!"

"This doesn't look good." Malu shook her head. Sophia was carried out by one of the janitors, followed by a nurse.

"Miskha is a disappointment," Malu mumbled.

"How so?" Lalia beat me to the question I wanted to ask.

"I was expecting her to whoop the bitch to a pulp, then strip her naked." Malu pouted.

"I know right. I was more about balding her head. And to think I brought a scissor." Leila hissed, looking dejected.

You don't wanna know my reaction. Trust me, you don't.


Translation to the above mentioned foreign language 👇

Miskha: Aisha, do you speak Wolof?



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