

~Depression isn't a medical condition, it's personal preference.~



"No, not like that. Do not hunch your shoulders. No, do not straighten them too far either, you don't wanna give them the impression of a robot."

Remind me again why I agreed to train with Peyton. The model has been disregarding my walks and poses for thirty minutes straight.

"How can you expect me to be good at this when you've been doing nothing but consuming chocolate bars for the past half an hour? " I exasperated. She ignored me and tore open another bar.

"You should be your own priority. You want what I have, so sweat it out." To aggravate me more, she jutted her chocolate-covered tongue out, making me grimaced in disgust and looked away.

"What are you waiting for? Start from the top." She demanded. I rolled my eyes and moderately squared my shoulders to maintain that desired posture, walking from the corner of the room to where Peyton stood, adding that spicy sway to my hips. Not outrageous, but just enough to ginger up the crowd.

Peyton nodded in approval for the first time since training began, resembling Yolanda Hadid when Gigi and Bella rocked Victoria's Secret runway. I halted a metre away from her and posed with my right leg a bit ahead of the left. I mentally counted to three like Peyton advised, and did a sharp turn before walking back.

"Yayeeeeeee! you go girl! I'm proud." She gushed, clasping her hands and pretending to wipe imaginary tears. I don't know why, but seeing that proud smile on Peyton's face washed me with a sense of satisfaction.

"After unnecessarily torturing me." I snorted, removing the metal rods I'd been made to walk on.

"It'll be worth it. I'm treating you to dinner today. C'mon, let's go." Say what now?

"You? treating me to dinner?" I slowly reiterated, unable to shake off the surprise underlying my tone.

"I didn't speak Uzbek now, did I?"

"My bad." I raised my arms in surrender and shrugged on my blazer, joining her in the lobby.

We left together to the garage and after a prolonged debate on whose car should be taken, Peyton took the upper hand and drove us to Katz's Delicatessen. One of the biggest restaurant joints in New York.

Unlike my assumption that we'll be kicked out since Peyton didn't make a reservation beforehand, I was shocked when the security guards remained rooted on spot upon our arrival.

"You practice voodoo or something? " I whispered after we settled in our seats.

"Connections, babe." She smirked, flicking her hair. A waiter about my age approached our table and we gave him our orders. I didn't miss the wink he sent my way though. Peyton wiggled her brows at me and gestured towards the counter, where the guy stood with his coworkers, staring at me.

"I'm taken, sis." I rolled my eyes, going through the menu to kill time.

"People have five to ten partners and didn't die. It's called living life, honey."

"Do you mean you?" I arched an accusing brow.

"It's fun." She shrugged, tapping her nails on the table. Our orders arrived shortly after and I wasted no time delving into my food. I was hungry okay, and at some time my stomach was yearning to join a drumming line.

"Seraphina. "

"Mhm." I hummed, not looking up from my plate. My mom taught us to respect food.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She sincerely voiced out.

"It's alright. It's been two months now, I'm getting used to it." I mustered a sad smile.

The early phases were hard. I refused to be shown anything that reminded me of the brunette, but as time passed by I realised that to move on and heal, I'd have to get used to her demise. The most affected amongst us was Ahmed. He'd outright spent an entire month in rehab, neither wanting to see nor talk to anyone. Next was Malu who battled depression, PTSD and anxiety attack for one month two weeks.  I don't know for others but to me, her case was the worst. It was a difficult phase in our lives, but thank God we've all learned acceptance in our own ways and moved on.

"And the murderer, any news on her whereabouts?"  I gently placed my fork and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah, she's at ADX Florence facility," I stared into space. An audible gasp escaped Peyton's mouth, attracting unwanted attention. She muttered a quick apology to the crowd and leaned forward on the table.

"How could they detain her there? it's literally the worst prison across the fifty-two states of USA." Peyton exclaimed and again few heads turned to our table, making me hush her.

"The prison guards didn't have much of a choice after her several failed escape attempts." I shrugged, sipping my water. Miskha was initially detained in Metropolitan Correctional Centre while going for trials but after rumoured failed escape attempts, sources had it that the prison director was left option less but to relocate her to ADX Florence Facility for maximum security.

"ADX has the worst food ever." She cringed. How did she know that?

"How did you know that?"

"It's a long story." She muttered.

"Have you visited her since then?" I shook my head in response to her question.

"incommunicado ."

"And the baby. Sophia's baby?"

"Incubator. " I bit my lips, fighting back laughter. I'm aware of her annoyed expression and was enjoying every second of it.

"I'll really appreciate it if you stop giving me one-word answers."

"And I'll appreciate it if you stop being a gossip freak."

"I'm trying to relive what I missed out on in teenage life." She pouted.

"I'll pretend I understand what that means."

"It's a l...

"Long story, yup. I've heard enough of those already." I shrugged.

Peyton's phone blared, interrupting our conversation, and annoying some customers. She'll never cease to embarrass me.

"Outside, whe..oh, yeah I saw it. Okay, I'll send her in a few. Okay bye." She hung up and turned to me.

"Ma'am's waiting for you outside." I'd already seen the limousine parked at the other side of the road.

"Today strippers will dress like nuns."

"Rude ass. Until next time." Peyton laughed. I was serious, my mother coming to pick me up is beyond amazement. I marched out of the restaurant and crossed the road to where the car was parked.

"Hey, mom." I greeted and closed the door.

"Sapphire and Travis are home." A greet back won't burn your ass, bitch.

Sapphire Del Varia is our eldest sister and the oldest of the Del Varia children.  She lived in New Orleans, pursuing a career in fashion designing at one of the Dior branches. She's happily married to Travis, a real estate business tycoon and both have given life to a two-year-old bundle of joy.

Sapphire hasn't visited home for two good years. God help me if I'll be able to recognise her. The rest of the ride was filled with comfortable silence until we reached home.

I pressed the doorbell and patiently waited. Over two minutes and still nothing. I raised my knuckles, about to bang the door when I heard the knob jiggling and boy, was the sound irritating?

"Who the fuck is that?" Mom snapped. So the feeling was mutual aside her quiet ass and all.

I pounded my fist on the door and heard faint giggles before the knob twisted open, revealing an empty space. Severina better not dare play games at me. The same giggling sound came up again, this time more audible and nearer. Mom cooed and brushed past me, crouching before something on the floor.

"Where is my Abigail." She gushed, and it wasn't until she stood to her full height did I notice the toddler in her arms.  What the?

"Do you miss granny, Aby,  huh?" Mom cooed in a cringe-worthy baby voice. Abigail giggled and blushed, hiding her face in behind her hair.

Distinct chattering could be heard in the living room as we drew nearer.

"Doraaaa!!!!" Ugh, not this name again. I stood there, watching helplessly as Sapphire launched her fat ass at me, tackling us to the couch. She had me on airlock with those dang arms compressing my mid-section.

"Sapphire, do not kill my sister please." Severina's voice came up and I couldn't help but thank God when I felt Sapphire being pulled off me.

"I sistered her first." She stuck her tongue out at Severina.

"Ask her whom she shared a womb with. Sis, we've been living since fertilisation." Severina smirked, making Dad scowl at her wrong choice of words.

"Now, this is what I miss." Travis chuckled.

"Hey there, Diego." I taunted. Travis grumbled and shook his head.

"When will you stop with this name?"

"When your wife stops calling me Dora."

"Well, that's between you and her."

"Then this is between you and me. Stop making shit hard on yourself." My lips stretched into a sly grin.

"Language Seraphina!" Mom snapped, gesturing towards Abigail.

"Chill out Ma, she knows more than her aunts and uncles," Sapphire smirked. Mom's mouth opened and closed like a fish, outrightly speechless.

"Is it just me or are all Del Varias obdurate." Travis laughed.

"I can't with him and his grammar, Travis, lower down to our level please." Severina pleaded.

"If you're this annoyed, then I don't want to imagine the scenario in our house if you're to ever live with him." Sapphire laughed.

"Ma'am, dinner is served," Stella informed.

Mom led the way to the dining room. we all took our seats and said grace before dishing out food.

"Where is Tiffany? Bitch had been staying in al...oh, there she is. Where was your ass kiddo?" Sapphire and her mouth. I pray mom doesn't have a heart attack today.

"Sapphire! language!"

"Oh please, mom." She dismissed in a bored tone, yawning.

"I miss you. " Tiffany hugged Sapphire before taking her seat next to Travis. They did their stupid, weird handshake and fist-bumped. She looked healthier now, compared to before. Although the tired eyes could still be spotted.

"How are you feeling now?" Mom inquired.

"I'm okay. The pills helped a lot, thanks." She smiled.

What's with today and astonishment? From Sapphire's unexpected visit to Tiffany's bright mood. Severina, Asher and I exchanged looks but remained silent.

"Mama, milk bitch."

What! All heads turned to the toddler sitting next to her mother, staring at us with innocent, doe eyes.

"Huh?" Mom repeatedly blinked. The woman looked like she'll faint any minute. A split second of silence passed before laughter erupted at the table.

"Aby, do not say that word ever again, okay." Travis tried scolding but his amused expression gave him away.


"Yes, that word. Don't say it again, okay?" Travis cut in and Abigail innocently nodded her head. I swear babies are cute.

You should know what followed after Abigail's stunt is mom talking Sapphire's ears off.

Dinner was fun and lively with an air of peace blanketing everywhere. Unlike the previous days, when we couldn't eat without drama unfolding.

"Where are you going to this late, Stella?" Mom wondered out loud. Stella Stilled in her steps, with eyes the size of a tennis ball.

"I uh, I wanted to throw something in the dustbin. " She stammered, looking terrified.

"Let me see it." Stella opened her mouth to protest but mom wasn't having it.

"I said let me see it," Mom demanded in a stern voice.

Stella slowly trudged forward and placed the object in mom's stretched hand. It wasn't until she raised it did everyone notice what it was.

A pregnancy test? I thought Stella gave birth four months ago? What was she doing with a test again?

And it wasn't just any test, it was the first response early result pregnancy test.  The most expensive test to have ever existed. I don't mean to come off humiliating but I can't help but wonder how the hell she was able to afford that?

"Where did you get this?" Mom snapped.

Stella's eyes widened while her chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Stella, I won't ask again."

Stella couldn't respond, but her horrified gaze settled solidly on one person.


"I found it in her room." She pointed directly towards...
