

~Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn but above all, experiences to enjoy~


"Yet, I still had hope that maybe our luckiest shot would be at the hospital. I mixed another portion of the poison, with Nutella this time around, and gave it to Quin. As expected, he fucked up, again. Yes Q, you did. Don't give me that look."

She stopped by Asher's seat and sat on the table, tracing his jaw with her nails. Asher turned his head to the side, but Maya yanked it back.

"I faced endless failures because of you, Seraphina. But the one which made me cry was the acid. There I lost one billion dollars. Hefty, ain't it?

I blamed that on Zara though, since the bitch couldn't mind her business and let people drink in peace. Anyway, it wasn't bad after all, as Rebecca was finally able to detect the rat sabotaging our missions. And who else but the mighty Zara Mahmat.

Girl, we knew you were the biggest threat all along, but Quin for once came up with the smart idea to ignore you and play clueless. That way, suspicions won't raise on our part.

I wanted to kill you so bad, but then the great Becca here came up with yet another masterpiece. That is, to keep your circle small. And boy, was she right?

After some digging into Sophia's past, I found out just what I needed to get rid of three people at a go. Sophia, Ahmed and Miskha.

Sophia and Ahmed were a child's place. An amnesia pill mixed with two dozes of viagra was all that's needed to throw them into the past, and awaken those pent-up sexual desires.

The initial plan was to use these three to ignite a feud in the group since it's obvious everyone was going to pick sides, but then, Sophia had to be a pathetic bitch. Eventually, I got bored  and was like, why not just, you know...free her of the burdens of this world."

"You killed Sophia!" I found my voice for the first time.

"Technically, I did. Although, Rebecca and Jocelyn were the brains behind the plan."  Enrique winked, spotting a proud look.

"You're sick" Malu spat, and this resulted in a hard slap from Bia, splitting her lip.

"Be careful there, Malibu. You can insult me all you want, but my recruits won't take it lightly. Rebecca to be specific.

If you don't want to die with a crooked nose, I'd suggest not getting on her bad side. Quin had Masters in martial arts. That's a dead giveaway.

Where was I? Yeah right, so, that night at the party, when I saw Miskha and Sophia lounging at the pool, having the time of their lives. I figured what a perfect moment to execute murder and frame another person. Knowing they won't be leaving anytime soon, I gave Quin the green light.

That's it about Sophia. You know, if I'd known earlier that she was pregnant, I would've just slipped a potion in her drink. That way, both mommy and baby can reunite in the grave." She shrugged and hopped off the table, tracing her finger on the edges. I felt her presence behind me and visibly stiffen.

"After that mission, everything relating to you and your boring ass friends began irking me, so I resorted to the family instead. Tiffany Del Varia, the rising heartbreaker. Guess the slutty gene runs in the family huh." She bit my earlobe and licked the side of my face, making me cringe in disgust.

"For little Del Varia, heroin and Zach did the work. Slipped her drink, raped, and impregnate. Smooth and easy. A seventeen-year-old accomplished a mission in three simple steps. You're a disgrace, Quin."

"A ten-year-old could accomplish that mission J. Give me a break." Enrique growled, his ego clearly bruised.

Maya shrugged and jerked her lips forward in a nonchalant gesture.

"For Tiffany, it was more along the lines of your parents finding out, then getting riled. This meant enough time to do the finishing with those abortion pills. And honestly, it would've gone accordingly hadn't you shown your fucking face everywhere!" She yelled in my ear before violently yanking my hair back, and hitting my face on the metal table.

"Stop! You're going to kill her." Severina cried.

"That's the intention, bitch." Bia bit back.

The metallic taste of blood erupted in my mouth, as a dead-induced migraine slowly crept up my head.

"Thankfully, I'm a very patient person and giving up isn't in my vocabulary. Unfortunately, things started going downhill when the boss got fed up with the repeated failures. He gave us one final chance. Bring your head or have ours taken.

I've never been so mortified in my life before, and this crept the shit out of me. I mean, having to lose all that you've worked for over two years, in just a day. That's tough shit.

I gave this mission my all. We put in our best. Usually, we share the tasks, two plans and one executes, but everything changed this time around.

This was the first mission with three brains combined. Well two, since Quin's only had a name. My subconscious warned me not to, but I don't know what came over me to send Quin on the mission.

Are you gonna be surprised that he failed? Usually, I'll always expect his ass to fuck up and won't be caught off-guard. This time, however, hit differently. I was so furious to the point of almost killing him.

You threw away a clear chance Quin! A clear shot. One stab and the bitch would've been dead. But no! you just had to be a retarded fool! and as if that wasn't enough, you managed to sustain a mother fucking deadass burn! Pathetic!" 

Realisation slapped me hard in the face when Maya mentioned burn. So Enrique was the boogieman the other day. I looked up to find him already staring at me, without an ounce of remorse. If anything, he appeared more amused than regretful.

"Well, we'd to face the boss either way. He gave us a final chance with yet another condition. Kill you or have our accounts eternally frozen, maybe even die. But death is the least of my worries. I can't do without money.

I had a deal worth nine million dollars with this Italian scientist in exchange for venom mush. The second deadliest substance in the universe. I handed this one over to miss brainiac over here, and again, she didn't fail to intrigue me with her impeccable skills.

I didn't second the accomplishment of this mission. All I did was sat in my chair, waiting for the moment Seraphina will convulse to death in the presence of hundreds of thousands.

Never did I know disappointment was merely a stone's throw away from my door. Now, I was particularly curious about the failure of this mission. To date, I still couldn't place a finger on the obstacle. My best guess though is on you Mahmat. The world knows you can't mind your business to save your life. I tried, I strived. I wept and sweated. Yet, I couldn't get what I wanted.

Funny how I ended up falling in love with the guy whose family I was assigned to wipe out. The biggest plot twist in the history of literature. I loved you, Asher, so much. With all my heart. But you just had to stick your willy in that whore!" She slammed her fist on the metal, giving me a jump scare.

"Do not talk about Assiya like that! She's nothing like you, and no matter how much you try, you'll never be an inch closer to her toes!" Asher spewed.

Threads of evil laughter erupted from Maya's chest.

"You know the problem with you Del Varias, is that you've got the looks and riches. Aside those, up there is nothing less empty than a fresh canvas." She gestured to her head with a finger.

"I may not have your heart Asher, but at least I've gotten the girl who has it."

"What the fuck did you do?!" Asher barked, getting up from his seat, but Enrique yanked him down, holding a pistol to his temple.

"Just pull the trigger if he misbehaves again Quin. I'm getting bored with the unnecessary attitude." She yawned, lifting her right leg on Kabia's side of the table.

"Assiya was all about drinking water. I gave her the same amnesia pills as Sophia. Except hers was ten doses, because for one, she was a huge distraction. You know, with the jealousy and everything. Secondly, maybe, just maybe, I may have wanted her dead. Again, come to think of it, that's unnecessary, because as of this moment we're speaking, Assiya couldn't even recall her own name." She giggled, winking at Enrique.

Asher perked up and thrashed, forgetting that a gun was pressed at his temple. Bia jabbed her combat boot in his sides, effectively blacking him out.

Maya profusely laughed, as though this was some soap opera.

"Oh joy." She coughed out, wiping under her eyes.

"As much as I'll love to sit with you guys and discuss over iced coffee on our masterpieces, my babies are hungry and need food. Ben." She called out and pointed towards a huge transparent glass, implanted in the far end of the room.

Ben pressed a button and water flowed inside the material with a high pressure, forcing out what looked to be...

Brazilian Anacondas!?

The life-sized beasts occupied the spacious aquarium, not having enough room to move about in the now greenish water.

"They haven't eaten for days. I'd starved them for two months, promising them endless full course meals." Maya's voice brought me back to reality.

"Maya, are y...

" Jocelyn." She sharply cut into my statement.

"Watch this. Ben, deliver."

On Maya's orders, Ben pressed another button and a lamb appeared inside the water, alive!

The poor animal helpless swam

upwards, but it was too late. The giant snake coiled it up in one fluid motion, compressing the life out of it. I looked away and closed my eyes, unable to stand the terrific sight any longer.

"How heartless are you?" Leila shook her head.

"You've got no idea," She smirked.

"It was nice knowing y'all. However, before you kiss the world goodbye, I'd like to give you a lil present. The root to everything."

"Seraphina, your mother killed mine." She mumbled, staring into space.

"I don't...Don't understand." I stammered, astounded with the newfound information.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know Aurelia, so you must know what I mean. That bitch is renowned for her loud mouth."

"I don't get it,"

"Aurelia, my stepsister, pressed rape allegations against Zach's dad, Paul. The CEO of Saint Paul's fashion magazine. Ring any bells?"

My mouth hung open and my eyes noticeably widened. With Maya's face being up close now, I could delineate a striking resemblance to Aurelia.

"Figured as much. After the rape allegations were made, your mother couldn't mind her business, and instead took it upon herself to fight for Aurelia. A case was filed, and long story short, Aurelia won.

This cost my mom all her assets and everything she'd work for her entire life. Paul was sentenced to life imprisonment, but escaped on the way to the central prison. Not that it concerns you in any way but I thought it's only fair you know. However, my mom not being able to sustain the public shame and poor living conditions, committed suicide.

I was at a very tender age by then. Eighteen at most. I was crushed! Your mother took everything away from me!

After her funeral, I swore an oath to avenge my mother's death to my last breath. After thorough digging, I found Paul in Colombia, and together we came up with this master plan, living happily ever after. Not yet, but what's there to stop us?"

"Stop lying Maya! you have pare...

" Fake. They were hired, all paid to act as my relatives." She interrupted Severina mid-sentence.

Oh, and FYI, the cheating scandal? I was the brain behind that as well. Except, Madeline and Mrs Smith had to be birdbrained. So we exposed them and cleared our tracks, leaving them to deal with the mess."

She chortled and stood up, retaking her position at the head table. She clapped her hands and a middle-aged man, accompanied by two bulky guys walked through another door.

Enrique, Maya and Bia stood to attention with their chests puffed out. Just like how shoulders would do in a military Congress

"Sir." They chorused, stilled as robots.

"I must say I'm impressed. I knew you wouldn't disappoint." He complimented in his thick Italian accent, puffing a large volume of smoke from his mouth.

"Finish the job then, si! What are you waiting for?" He growled.

"Ben!" Maya barked.

He nodded and pressed another button, a large cabin-like structure jutting out.

"Take them three at a time. Start with Seraphina."

This is it. Today's the long-awaited day. A heavily built guy lifted me up like I weigh lesser than a  paper, and just when he started for the aquarium, a burst of loud laughter echoed inside the room.

Zara effortlessly slipped her hands out of the cuffs and clapped. What the hell!?

"Show's over guys! You can come out now, Tyler!" The door bursted open the minute Zara's voice boomed, and State authorities in their large masses infiltrated the room.

"FBI, drop your weapons!"

"NYPD! Everyone to the floor now!