Thousand Ways To Kill

[Emergency quest activated]

[Goal: Save Prince Eugene's life from Emperor Izekiel. The love interest shall be saved for the story to progress.

Reward: Splintered Grace

Penalty: Death]

Nesrin gasped in disbelief.


How is her life connected to Eugene now?

This quest made no sense!

A flicker of violet light appeared in Izekiel's hands, Nesrin had no time to form a strategy and instinctively decided to stand between him and Eugene. But as soon as this thought came in her mind, a sudden pain flared up her ankle and she stumbled and fell right into Izekiel's arms.

Right onto the deadly mana that has surrounded his hands.

Izekiel was stunned.

Nesrin's heart lunged when a cold paralysing sensation spread across her. Fear clawed inside, it was as if her insides were being frozen. Strength was leaving her body, but Izekiel held her firmly and lifted her in his arms.

He gently laid her over his throne. His eyes lingered on her for a second before his cold gaze settled over Eugene.

"Look what you have done…"

"What are you even-?!" Eugen exclaimed in disbelief,

He was saddened to see Nesrin in such a condition, regret filled his heart as he thought about all the possible consequences of being hit by that move of Izekiel. He has come here to reveal Izekiel's truth as well as rescue the princess from such a tyrant.

He fisted his hands and glared at Izekiel.

Izekiel's lips curled into a cold sneer as he pulled his sword.

Eugene clenched his jaw tight and commanded the knights to come to his aid, he knew he couldn't defeat Izekiel like this but all he needed to do was get some time and reveal the truth.

All he needed to do was say those words, but the matter was not that simple. The truth was complicated and he needed enough time before proceeding, otherwise all the effort he had done would be in vain.

The flashes of mana and clashes of swords echoed across the room, Jeremiah clutched the side of his ribs and stood up. No one interfered in the fight, Izekiel single handedly defeated all the guards.

The priest panicked upon seeing them fight.

"Please! Blood shall not be shed in holy places! At least don't kill anyone, your majesty! The goddess' wrath will befall upon us; we can't taint a sacred area!"

Izekiel paid attention to his words. He grabbed Eugene's collar and raised him up with ease, the guests held their breath and everyone winced as the exiled prince was slammed down on the ground.

Izekiel has still been patient with Eugene in the beginning of the novel. Then what made him so ruthless this time?

The secret that Eugene came to reveal...was it the same thing Nesrin knew?

Nesrin grabbed the arm of the throne and watched the two men fight through her blurry vision. She didn't know what kind of magic Izekiel planned to use against Eugene, but she could tell it was fatal.

Her breaths were starting to return back to normal, Izekiel had quickly pulled back his magic before it could do any major harm.

She bit her lips in agitation, she must come up with a strategy quickly or it would be too late.

As she saw them fight, she realized that in this world almost everyone is born with a close synergy with the natural mana and thus anyone can become a magic user with enough practice.

She had no practice but if she even used a bit of magic, then things might turn her way.

Nesrin closed her eyes, and recalled how Ophelia had started to manipulate the mana.

Calm your breaths, clear your mind, as your concentration starts to settle, you will see the faint light of your aura and….

Nesrin frowned, she couldn't feel anything at all.

Was she born as an ordinary human?!

-system, show my stats.

The cerulean screen appeared in front of her.

[The system has not been fully activated. Activate the system to access complete features.]

She grunted mentally, her patience was running out. Izekiel overpowered Eugene easily, the fight did continue for longer than expected and it was surprising that Eugene stood up to him for that long but his luck was running out now.

-activate! Quick!

Nesrin's fingers became cold as she waited for the activation to be completed.

[The activation has been initiated...25%]

[Establishing connection with the world: Success.]

[Character scan: Success.]

[Character profile has been overwritten due to plot events.]

[Primary character class has been identified as cannon fodder.<>]

A light shone in her eyes when she saw the change option next to cannon fodder, but right now she didn't have time for that.

[Secondary character class is unselected.<