Returning The Favor

Izekiel removed his clothes with frustrated fingers as he walked towards the steaming pool of fragrant water. He hated dealing with political schemes, but lately that was all that kept him occupied.

It was clear to him that some people from influential families were causing the unrest among the public, but Izekiel was unable to find them because he lacked no enemies. 

Any of them could be plotting against him, and this time their plan wasn't as weak as before.

There were no leads despite the imperial investigation.

Jeremiah was skilled in these things, but even he failed.

Izekiel saw war as the only option now.

He stepped inside the water, the hot water relaxed his muscles but a sharp ting of pain flared as the water came in contact with the deep long cut on his back. 

The wound started from his shoulder and ended at the base of his back.

Izekiel was the strongest man across the empire, he had spent many years in the military and he never liked to rely upon anyone. He knew the wound was not fatal for him, so he didn't bother with getting it treated.

His mind had been too occupied by the words Saint Azure had said before his death, Izekiel couldn't focus on anything else.

When he recalled those words...

Violet sparks flickered across him.

...he wanted to kill someone again.

Izekiel immersed himself beneath the water, his goal was close to him. Soon, he would be able to lift the curse and then nothing else would matter.

He had never cared about anything as long as his objective was completed. 

He should not be bothered by anything else other than his goal.

Then why was Saint Azure haunting his thoughts even after dying?

A violet glow spread across the water surface, he held his breaths, the scenes of that night flashing across his mind. 

Saints never lie...or such is a belief, when Azure made those claims, there was a certainty in his voice that caused a seed of doubt and an unfamiliar feeling of dread inside Izekiel.

Izekiel couldn't control his demon after that.

There was blood everywhere when his consciousness came back.

He emerged from the water, the droplets trickling down his well sculpted body as he ran a hand through his wet raven hair.

That night remained fresh in his mind, and it was not only because of Saint Azure.

A sudden sound of something clunking made Izekiel lift his dark eyes.

Nesrin stood frozen on the gates.

Her face was pale, then red rushed up her cheeks and she quickly turned away.

"I-I will be back later!"

"Explain yourself," Izekiel's cold voice stopped her in her tracks.

Nesrin didn't dare to move.

There was silence for some time before she heard the sound of water as Izekiel came out, her body stiffened with every step he took and as his voice grew closer.

"Ah...that, um-I knocked but the gates were already op-"

"Who dared to get you out of your confinement?" Izekiel cut her off.

There was a threatening tone to his voice.

"It was just me..."

Izekiel concluded it was Jeremiah. No one else would or could do that. He should decide on a punishment for him later on.

"Why did you come here?"

His fingers clasped around her wrist as he turned her towards him.

Izekiel was only wearing a towel around his waist, when Nesrin saw him like this it was a little hard to hold his gaze and not let her eyes wander.

There was something compelling and threatening in the way he looked. 

Nesrin clutched her fist tight, she could not fight him or her fate if her heart kept getting weak whenever he was close.

"Why are you here?" Izekiel repeated coldly.

His eyes were dark, and there were hints of anger in his voice. 

Nesrin picked the ivory bottle she had dropped earlier. 

"You should not avoid treating your injury. It will get worse-"

"It won't, so leave," he gripped her wrist tightly. 

"You were hurt while saving me, let me apply the medicine at least," Nesrin's reply was firm.

Izekiel gazed at her darkly, there was something chilling in the way he looked at her. 

"So, the princess is here to pay her debts?"

Nesrin didn't like it when he addressed her like that, beneath his nonchalant voice she often heard a mocking tone.

"His majesty is right," she knew he was too prideful to feel indebted in any way, "...I am simply returning a favor."

The coldness in his eyes decreased ever so slightly as he left her hand, but the deep gaze of his only narrowed.

"Is that all?"

Nesrin looked at him with a confused look, perhaps he wanted to make sure she doesn't disturb him often and that's why he wanted her to say all things at once. She found this a bit improper but Nesrin swallowed nervously and replied,

"We can discuss other things later. It would be too painful if you not get it treated-"

"Is that all?" he seethed, the anger and frustration was clear in his voice. Nesrin swallowed back her words.

"Don't you not want to ask anything about that night?"

Nesrin's heart was hammering in her chest. Why was he so angry? 

"Why...why did his majesty save me...?" she asked after a bit of hesitation.

"I hurt you..." Izekiel's dark eyes turned even cold as he spoke. His voice was deep and almost barely audible as he said those words with his head hung low.

It sounded as if he regretted it.

Nesrin bit her lips, she didn't want to think much about that night all those conflicting emotions that created a turmoil in her heart.

It was not safe for her to feel all that.

"You saved me," she whispered but her voice was certain.

Izekiel lifted her eyes to look at her.

"I could not control my power… you were unconscious for one whole day, and-" he paused, "What are you doing?"

Nesrin's lips curved into a small smile, there was a faint light in her eyes that lit up her face and almost clouded all her nervousness.

"Was his majesty worried about me?"

Izekiel froze as he realized what he had said. There were unspoken words in his eyes that begged to be spoken, Nesrin saw conflict and hesitation inside of him before he pulled back and muttered.

"I can't,"

Nesrin smiled dryly.

Of course he can't.

The emotions he felt would be overpowered by the demon inside of him any time. It was all just temporary, Nesrin found his concern heartwarming but she did not, she could not, take them for granted.

He was not made to love someone like Nesrin, she was not someone who can withstand his inner darkness. 

Nesrin did not understand his other side well but she knew it was fatal.

Everyone who got too close to his darkness had died. Lillian was the only exception.

That night, when Nesrin saw Izekiel faint and the blood around him decrease, regret clawed in her chest. She had dedicated her previous life to save people, despite what they did and so the helplessness was weighing her down when she saw him like that.

Now, as they sat upon the bed, with Izekiel's back towards Nesrin, she was once again claimed by that heavy feeling.

The wound looked painful to even see, she could not imagine how bad it was a week ago.

Izekiel had exceptional healing skills because of his advanced magical abilities. The wound should have healed by itself, but it seemed like Cassandra was much stronger.

Nesrin opened the ivory bottle and gently dabbed the ointment on him.

"Lady Sybil mentioned that sacred magic can cause long term damage if not treated in time. His majesty should let her treat him…"

"That won't be necessary."

Nesrin bit her lips.

"Then let me do this until it's healed?"

Izekiel didn't deny this, and so Nesrin took that silence of his as a yes to her question. 

She felt him stiffen up as her fingers brushed a certain sensitive part of his wound. Nesrin paused, of course this would still hurt.

"Has his majesty taken breakfast?" She tried to make some small talk in order to distract his mind from the injury.

"Not yet,"

Sybil had told Nesrin that Izekiel had been rather careless with his meals lately. Myrtle was irritated when Sybil gave all this information to her and so she dragged Lady Sybil with her before Nesrin and Sybil could even have a proper conversion.

Nesrin concluded that this rude person must be the sworn sister of Izekiel.

"Me neither," she replied, "How about we...uh do the breakfast together? It's not healthy to skip meals when the body needs to recover."

Izekiel's lips curled up in amusement.

Since the week started, Alice was assigned to Nesrin and she often gave info to him about her. He had learned that Nesrin had been as careless with her meals as he was.

"The princess speaks the truth," he agreed.

Nesrin's fingers paused for a moment before she continued.

"Can I make a request?"


"I...uh, it's just I am not really used to being called that," she bit her lips, "I would prefer if you would me-"


She was going to say Johanna, because not everyone was aware of her birth name. This surprised her, but she liked the way he said her name.


"It sounds...weird," he replied honestly.

The formal titles are only dropped when the two people are very close. Nesrin nodded in understanding.

"Ah, and also-" she remembered the main reason she had come here, "I want to request another thing...however, I have a question first…"

"Go on,"

"Why...did his majesty kill Saint Azure?" 

Izekiel was silent.

Nesrin wondered if something very wrong happened between them. He had looked infuriated that night.

Izekiel replied in a calm voice,

"I didn't meant to kill him, I simply slashed him with my sword. Him dying was between him and his gods."
