Stepping Down

Just as it was written in the novel, the war began that very night.

The event that triggered war came at Fort Wlinter in Harlston Bay. It was a prominent fort where the imperial family had formerly resided, later this fort was converted into a guardian fort that was controlled by some of the best knights of the empire.

It was the second safest building of the imperial capital.

Claiming this fort as their own, the council's army had opened a fire of the federal garrison and forced them to lower the imperial flag in surrender.

Izekiel called out militia to suppress such continuous seize from the holy council. As days passed, nearly a million armed men confronted each other along the border of the capital as well as in other territories where the differences among people clashed into battles.

Several battles had already taken place when the week came to an end, approximately half a million of people, magus and commoners both, lost their lives.