To Not Let Go

Nesrin closed her eyes and gradually, coldly, a rush of mana surged through her veins and settled down coldly upon her heart. The barely audible sounds of the chambers disappeared, and in the silence that enveloped her mind, she could only hear herself.

[The system will unlock 50% spiritual core to ensure the fatality rate doesn't increases.]

The rush of mana, her heart beats that raced and the flicker of spiritual energy that caused waves of dull ache wash over her soul.

Then a sharp pain flared above her heart, as if a stake was being hammered inside, radiating a pain in a way that shattered her to the very core - or at least that's how it felt to her.

Nesrin stiffened, as she sat still and breathed in shallow gasps of air.

The crystal burned within her fingers, along with her soul.