Dragon Stone

Jeremiah sighed helplessly as he closed the scroll. It was almost time for the meeting to end but they arrived at no good conclusion. The issues were discussed, the unknown chaos from the different parts of the empire were brought into light.

However, no one was able to find a solution.

A minister sighed, "If only we had enough fire mages." 

"Or..." Saint Aaron placed a finger beneath his chin, "If we had something that shares properties with elemental fire."

Someone suggested, "Spells?"

"They won't work," Jeremiah replied, "Not unless we have some Supreme Magus."

"Why is it only fire?" 

"It's not fire," Aaron said, "But something that is present in the element of fire; light. It's the only thing that can stand against the element of darkness."

His eyes briefly glanced at Nesrin, "Unfortunately we can't have any elemental light either."