
Seeing the flash of light surround the building, Issac quickened his pace, running up the stairs as quickly as he could.

Reaching the top, he stared at the skeleton of some of the soldiers still in the position they were when the blast happened.

All that is left of them is their skeleton fossilified.

He walked to the skeletons, whistling. Araya is not going to like this.

Turning the corner, he noticed Zadie's unconscious body on the ground and rushed to her side, first checking her pulse.

Very faint. Upsy daisy, Zadie. He picked the woman up and slung her over his other shoulder.

Staring at her stumps, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Good job staying alive this long. Leave everything else to me." He whispered, hearing her groan in response.

"You! Don't move!" Issac turned to see around ten of them walking out of their hiding spot and making their way to him. "Put them down."

"They are both injured, don't you think it is best we take them to a hospital?" He asked nonchalantly. "Or do you want them to die?"

"It is better we take you in." One of the men said, walking to him slowly. "Surrender now and we will not use force."

Smoke came out of Issac's eye as they approached him but he sucked in a breath and forced himself to relax.

He can't use this now, Zadie and this boy might be affected. Though the boy is not that much of a worry for him.

If I rush past them, I can escape. But ... they already know too much about us.

"Are you resisting?" Another man asked, gun pointed at Issac still.

"No, I am trying to make a decision." He said, rolling his eyes at them. "You gave me an option and are not giving me the chance to decide on what I should do?"

"Hurry up!"

Issac looked at Zadie, hand on her arm, feeling the pulse grow weaker.

Annoyed, he turned to the window at the end of the hallway.

I will just have to take them down later on.

He was about to take off when a hand gripped his arm. It was Zadie.


"What? A dying person is telling me what to do?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"There is something important I hid in this place." She said, gasping for air. "If you leave now, all this will be pointless."

"I don't care if you get to live."

"Issac." She pushed herself up with what little strength she had, making him drop the boy as he tried to steady her while she grabbed his collar, smashing her head to his. "Don't you dare make my sacrifice pointless. Besides, I am not dead yet."

The man stared at her blankly for a second before releasing a deep sigh again. "What am I going to do with you? Alright. I surrender."

"If you will come with u-"

"Allow me to put her down first," Issac said, putting her behind the door she used as a shield before while the others looked at him, on the edge. "She has ties to this building and wishes to die here."

"Ok. Come with-"

"The thing she does not seem to understand is that I am not going to allow her to die." He said, turning back to them and stretching. "Ten verses one. Let's see who will win, ok?"

Without giving them a chance to process what is happening, Issac charged, knocking the gun out of one of their hands.

The others recovered and shot at him but he hid behind the man, using his as a shield as he ran to hide behind a pillar, throwing the body to them.

They stared as the body fell to the ground with a thud.

"Too bad," Issac said shaking his head. "I wasn't even trying to kill him. Look at what you did."


Issac wasted no time appearing in front of another man and snapping his neck. Taking the gun from him, he threw it at another man like a spear.

The gun ran through his skull, implanting him into the wall as Issac worked his way to each one of them, dodging the bullets with ease.


In the midst of the chaos, Jadin began to wake up, rubbing his head to try and push the pain away.

He stared in awe as the man from earlier took out one person after the other with inhumane speed and strength.

What the hell is he? He thought, turning to see a woman resting against the wall behind him, her breathing growing rugged.

"Are you ok?" He rushed to her. Seeing the wounds all over her body, blood seeping through.

Pressure needs to be applied. He thought as another shot came from behind him, making him freeze in his spot as his mother's worried smile flashed across his mind.

She's dying away, just leave her and run. The voice in his head said, almost making him listen to it.

What are you going to tell her? How will you face her? Another voice said, making him stop in his tracks as he stared at the woman growing weaker and weaker.

Gritting his teeth, the man picked her up took off in another direction of the building, dodging the maniac behind him as the others continued to be taken out.

He rushed into an empty room when he felt her breathing grow weaker and closed the door behind them.

Taking off his shirt and Jadin began ripping the cloth to use as a way to stop the blood. In his pocket is an emergency first aid kit, a small one with pliers and sterilized thread to close up a wound.

He used that to dig into her wounds and pull the bullets out. After which he stitched the wound up clumsily. He repeated this to all her other wounds as quickly as he could, while his hands shook and trembled.

Staring at the deep patch of blood on her shoulder, he sighed, "I am so sorry for this."

He pulled her shirt off her and sucked in a breath at the infected wound spreading to her neck.

"What the hell have you been through?" He mumbled, taking pliers and removing the bullets, already rusting, from her flesh.

Looking in the small box is an even smaller vial of translucent liquid written, "Blood thickener. Use only in case of heavy bleeding and no immediate medical team available."

"I guess this … works?" He mumbled, holding it in front of the unconscious woman. "Look, I need you to remember that I am doing everything I can and if you die … please don't be too mad. I don't know what I am doing."

Hearing no reply from her, obviously, he pulled the seal from the vial and poured a bit of the liquid onto her shoulder wound.

As soon as he did this, the woman's eyes flew open and gripped onto his arm while tears ran down her face.

"Are- are you … ok?" Jadin asked, gritting his teeth in pain as she grabbed it even harder.

"Hurts." She mumbled, looking at him with wide eyes. "It hurts! D-do you hate me?"

"Well, hate is a bit of a strong word. Especially towards someone I just met-"

"I didn't mean to make a mistake." She gasped, trying to hold the tears back.

Her eyes were looking into his eyes though it seemed like she could not even see him.

Hallucination? He thought, prying her fingers from his wrist as she fell silent once again. Staring at the bruise on his wrist, the man sighed.

"I will have to wear full sleeves when I meet her again." He mumbled, looking at the woman's shoulders.

The wound is not closed but the broken veins and arteries, that is the visible ones, are closed up. Quickly grabbing the needle and thread, he began stitching up the outer wound.

There. Now to get her to a hospital.

As he thought that, the doors burst open, pulled out of their hinges and thrown to the other side as the man from earlier walked in, blood dripping from his hair onto his face.

Jadin tried to reach for some kind of weapon as he stared at the man's blank gaze but there was nothing in the room.

His gun is also not in his holster as the man took careful steps to them.

Panicking, Jadin stood in between the man and the woman, arms held out to stop him which worked, much to his surprise.

In fact, the man looked more surprised than him, but then he never understood him before.

"Don't touch her. She is just a bystander." He said, the last part coming out a little shaky.

Wait, who is she again? And why was she there? She couldn't be the one we are after ... right?

"Bystander?" The man asked, tilting his head to the side and walked past Jadin to the woman. "Did you do this?"

"Y-yes?" He answered, still wondering if he made a horrible mistake saving her as the building began to shake. "W-what is happening?"

"This building is going to crumble until nothing is left to be seen." The man said, picking the woman up in his arms.

Oh my god, he is with her. Why did I save her?!?!

"Come with me." The man said, grabbing the man's wrist and throwing him over his shoulder.

"H-hey! Let go!" Jadin shouted, struggling against him as he walked out of the room.

Seemingly annoyed, the man put him down again as they stood in front of a window.

"DO you want to die here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "Your quickest way is by jumping out of the window."

"You have a better way?" He asked, staring out the building. I am not going to survive this fall.

"I do, if you come with me," he said, crouching down. "Quickly. I am not dying here."

"F-fine." He climbed the man's back and held on tight as he, without warning, jumped out the window. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?"