The Dead Speaks

"Issac! What's wrong? What happened?" The man asked, frantically looking over the man. "Zadie?"

"Take her to Araya and have her look her over," Issac said, handing the woman over to her as another man rushed out of the car. "I will need to look over something."

"You look injured too." The man shouted, turning to Jadin. "He is injured as well?! What happened here?"

"Issac! I got your message!" The man ran to them, panic written all over his face. "I couldn't contact Haiti."

"We need to check the building, Orion," Issac said, turning to Jadin. "You are coming with me, right?"

"I do-"

"We need to hurry." The other man said, a slight tremble in his hands. "I have a very bad feeling about this."

"Come with us," Issac said, turning to Jadin. "Or go with Soren. I will show you everything in the HDD if you stay."

Sucking in a breath, Jadin attempted to make a decision finally giving in and said, "I will go with you."

"Good." Issac nodded gratefully. "Soren, take her to Araya and, if you can, please be there. She might go into shock after everything."

He did not wait another second as the three took off, back the direction they came through.

Despite the man's injuries, he was able to keep up with Jadin while the one he called Orion ran ahead. He is not that far ahead though, fortunately.

"Where are we going to?" Jadin asked, turning to Issac as they passed the building they came from.

The rubble completely buried everything up. It is only a matter of time before someone comes and begins cleaning everything up.

But this is still in the 'forgotten' parts of the city so ... they don't know how much time will pass before it is actually dealt with.

I will find out about this, I promise. He thought, passing their makeshift graves.

"It would seem that the building Zadie, the woman I just gave away, came from is from this small group of people investigating about the ... sketcher parts of the city." He explained, turning a corner.


Issac then explained to him about the waves and what has been happening for the past couple of years while they started to slow down.

"P-people. What?" He asked, trying to catch his breath. "Are you sure that is even real?"

"Do you know what happened a few years ago, when people suddenly turned up dead?"


"That is the reason why." They stopped to catch their breath on a corner alleyway. "Are you ok?"

Issac stared at the two trying to breathe while he just stood there, waiting patiently for them.

"You have all these abilities, can't you teleport us there?" Jadin asked, wiping the sweat from his face.

"I don't have magic," Issac said, looking at him like he was talking to an idiot. "Why would I be able to do that?"

"Yeah, you are just weird."

"I am with the kid here." Orion chuckled, patting the boy on the back. "In all seriousness, we are not going to make it there. Well, us mere humans."

"I could carry you two and-"

"No." Jadin stopped him, pointing to his shirt as blood began to spread through it. "I think you are reaching your limit too."

"That is a problem," Issac said, pulling his shirt up to reveal only bits of flesh hanging on. "Quite a big problem."

"Teleportation right now would be great." Orion groaned, "Otherwise both your wounds are going to get worse."

"We can't go by car either. It is too ... noticeable." Issac remarked. "If we are seen. It will cause a ton of problems. Zadie is amazing."

"What do you mean?"

"She ran all the way from Haiti's building to the one we passed over there." He said, staring at all the empty houses lining the road.

"I think the people chasing her are more impressive." Orion noticed. "How did they manage to keep up with her?"

The two exchanged blank looks before turning to Jadin.


"Do you know?" Orion asked while they began to walk again.

"I don't know," he said, walking behind them. "But I have heard a rumour that there is this group of highly trained soldiers. It is just a rumour though."

"We should look into that," Issac said, pausing in front of a building. Something emitted from the building seemed to call to him but he can't stop there.


"Coming." He gave one last look at the building before taking off running again.


"So what is this about the person that we are looking for?" Jadin asked, curious.

"You believe what I said? About the wave?"

"Strange things have been happening today." Jadin shrugged, running beside Issac. "So I can't rule that something like that would not happen at all."

"Ok," Issac said, surprised. "Well, she is part of that group. She worked with Orion and several others to research on why this is happening. We know all the things we know how because of her and her team."

"So why would they tell us to attack them now?" Jadin asked, slowing down again as they neared the building.

"That is what I want to know," Issac said, looking at the ominous broken building in front of them. Orion took the first step inside, the others following after him. "Unless they have been through the wave, government officials would ignore them. Why now?"

"Maybe she found something that should not be found?" Jadin said, trying to make his steps as light as the two.

"Perhaps. But that only raises more questions." Issac remarked, trying to push the uneasy feeling out of him.

The closer they got to Haiti's office floor, the more the negative air seemed to grow until it is almost enough to heal all his wounds as Araya does with positive energy.

He stared at his arms which had cuts before and noticed that they were all gone like they never existed before. Well, unless you ignore the scars left behind.

This is impressive. He thought, pulling up his shirt to see only a bit of it has healed. And very, very concerning.

"What are you doing?" Jadin asked, turning to see Issac holding his shirt up and staring at his wounds.

"Nothing." He said quickly. "Where is-"

"He took off. I think you should too." Jadin said, looking at him sceptically as Issac walked past him and down the destroyed hall. "How did I ever think he was cool? Or even scary?"


Issac walked to Orion crouching over something on the ground. Reaching out to him, he leaned over and saw Haiti's dead body on the ground a hole where her heart is supposed to be.

Looking to the left, he saw what looked like her heart, a chunk bitten out of it. Not too far from it, he could see something and knew what it was without inspecting further.

The entire top half of the building is destroyed, there is no chance of finding anything more.

"Is everything-" Jadin ran to them, pausing when he saw Issac holding something in his hand and Orion holding a woman in his arms. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Issac asked, getting to his feet. "You didn't do this."

"I know. But I felt like I had to say something." He mumbled, staring at the woman's fearful eyes. She did not die peacefully.

"Remember what I said about memories and karma?" Issac asked, still holding the heart in his hands. "You will need to accept that everything happened for a reason and move on with it."

"Easier said than done, Issac." Orion suddenly said, putting Haiti's body on the ground. "Why? Why is it that she had to die? Haiti only ever wanted what was good for everyone."

"It's a cycle, Orion." The man said, walking to the woman and closed her eyes. "We take the lives of people that do not want to die and the same thing happens to us. That is the life we live. Let me do something."

Issac took off the gloves that Jadin never realised were on him before, and took her hands in his.

Blue smoke began to fill the atmosphere again and Jadin is immediately thrown on the edge.

But nothing happened this time except the fog gathering in one spot on the ground, just before the woman's body.

This smoke turned into two figures, memories of the past replaying in front of them as they watched her last exchange on this earth until her death scene.

"Who is Raymond?" Issac asked, turning up to Orion who is already fuming with anger from the moment they saw this play out.

No one questioned how Issac did it. They just accepted it as it is and Orion looked ready to go into a rage.

"I don't know," he said, balling his hands in fists. "But I am going to find him and make sure he dies slowly and painfully."

He turned to Orion, annoyance written all over his face. "I would like to hope you have that same emotion later on."

"What do you mean-"

"Come with me," Issac said, getting to his feet as Orion picked the woman's body up and the two followed him down the stairs.