Not the Same Perception

"I brought Haiti out," Issac said, voice turning soft as he fiddled with the spoon from the sugar bowl. "Well, her body anyway. Oh, I know who killed her but I am not going to tell you."

"Why not?!" Zadie asked, getting to her feet immediately, still clutching Haiti's head as her clothes got soaked with blood.

"Because I know what you are going to do." He said, glaring at her. "If you want to know this person, I will not tell you the rest of what I found out. This is your decision to make, Zadie."

The woman bit down at her teeth before sitting back on her chair and clutching Haiti's head closer, "Continue."

"Before that." Issac pulled the chair closer to her and Soren leaning in, "I found out that I can do something else, besides take negativity."

"What is it?"

"I can see a person's negative memory," he said, but he did not emphasise on it. "That is why I could tell what happened to her in her last moments."