Scattered Memories

"Niv!" A voice called out again as Orion looked about him. He wasn't sure how long it took for the voice to come but it was quite some time, he could tell. 

"What is it?" He replied, body movement completely beyond his control turning to the same boy from before. 

The only thing he could stare at is the scar on his forehead. 

"You are staring again." The boy complained, throwing a ball of snow on his face. "Stop staring!" 

"Sorry," Orion said quickly, rubbing his freezing face. "I didn't mean-" 

"It's ok." The boy said, smiling brightly at him. "What are you thinking about anyway, Niv?" 

"Just ... the future," he mumbled, pulling his legs together. "How do you think the world will look like in the future?" 

"Flying cars?" The other boy giggled. "Maybe even flying skateboards."

"What is the point of flying cars?" Orion asked, looking sceptically at him. "What will that do if we can't even afford it?"