
"Clause?" Jeris ran to the crying boy, picking him up in his arms while Royce and Grant looked at each other, unsure of what they should or shouldn't be doing before turning to Issac and glaring at him. 

"Wow, I guess you look scarier than I thought." Soren laughed, poking his friend on the side. 

"I don't really think Issac looks scary," Jadin said, looking at the man closely. "Yeah, I take that back. He looks scary for sure." 

"But ... why would he cry for that?" Issac asked, scratching his chin in confusion while the other men tried to calm the boy down. 

"Are you scared of him, Clause?" Royce asked, slight desperation in his voice. "Should I kick him? Want Uncle Royce to beat him up?" 

"I can still hear you, you know," Issac said, looking at the man, slightly annoyed. 

"Yeah! Besides," Jadin narrowed his eyes at Issac, memories of what happened in the building flashing across his mind, "I doubt you can take Issac on."