
Hmm? I feel so much lighter. Issac thought, feeling his body start to relax almost immediately as warm pair of hands rested on his bad. What is happening though?

I hope it's nothing.

So tired. It feels so nice. So warm. 


"Huh? Where am I?" Emery looked around him at the dead swamp with trees here and there. "What is this place? It feels like Issac."

"You, kid. What are you doing here?" A voice asked and he turned to see something that looks like Issac though it was almost transparent. 

"Who are you?" The boy asked, pointing to the man. "You aren't Issac." 

"Of course I am not that man." He said in annoyance, throwing his hands in the air. 

It was then that Emery noticed the roots all around him, almost like chains to keep him in place. 

"Why are those things around you, mister?" He asked pointing to the roots.