
"We really do not need to do this," Raymond mumbled, looking at Issac and the twins, holding up different styles of shirts in front of him. 



"What do you think?" Emery asked, holding up a black shirt with a skeleton dressed in a clown costume on it. 

"Your taste is a little bit …" Clause said, looking at the shirt that Emery held up. "Do you really think things like this is something for Raymond?" 

"Big brother Raymond looks so similar to dad, so he will look good no matter what he wears," Emery said, holding the shirt up still. "Don't you think so, dad?" 

"I don't wear things like that, so I wouldn't know. But it might look good on him." Issac said, looking at the shirt in front of Raymond, who attempted to hide his face from every one, with his hands. 

"Right? Do I have good taste or not?" Emery said proudly as the other two nodded in agreement while Raymond stared at them with an annoyed expression on his face.