Five different types of rings

Then 30 mins till when the chemistry class would end,"group yourselves into three,find a partner"Mr Ross,the chemistry teacher said. Of course David and Tess teamed up, then once again Daniel popped up in between them."can I join your chemistry group"Daniel said,David and Tess had no other choice but to say yes because he was the only person that had talked to them.Then they each put on their plastic gloves and goggles and grabbed two chemicals for and took two chemicals for each of them. David had red and pink chemicals so he firstly poured the red into a larger container,then Daniel had a two greens then he poured one into the same large container then Tess had pink and red then poured the pink,but to their surprise the chemicals didn't mix,they stayed on top each other like solid,then they all came close to the large container with their ri gs then immediately,the red chemical entered David's ring then the pink entered Tess's ring then the green entered Daniels ring. Then the bell rang,just after two seconds of the bell ringing,David and Tess were dragged through the hall and into the cafeteria then there were two fridges and three was six feet in between them one was working but the other one wasn't then Daniel open the fridge that was working and took out two buckets of ice cream from it then went two the other fridge,Then Tess said"what are we doing here"before Tess could finish her sentence Daniel cut in,"Oh,there you are"David and Tess turned around to see who it was then they saw a girl and a boy,"hi,my name is Ashley and I am the one with the white ring and this is Joseph,she said pointing to the boy next to her,he is the one with the yellow ring".Then Daniel said,we need to figure out what these rings are for and why they were in our houses",then they all nodded in agreement.