Chapter 15 The seventh ring

As they all woke up they got ready for school, as they got to school,A speaker on the wall said "David Andrews, Teresa Mcroy,

Daniel Williams ,Ashley and Joseph report to Mr Del's office immediately" then Ashley looked at them and said "this is bad he may have noticed us on the news" then they looked at each other then nervously walked into Mr Del's office.

Then they greeted him and sat on the nearest chairs. There was an awkward silence then Mr Del started by saying "I feel a stra..." Mr del was speechless after he saw the rings they were wearing then he asked them "Do you know that the rings that your wearing are ancient they grant they person powers, however there are not only five of these rings" they looked at each other and his the rings behind their backs then Mr Del said "I'm not going to collect the rings I think I have the sixth, you guys are the five heroes that saved the city bank,meet me during after school at the school garden" then he dismissed them.They went to class and sat down for chemistry.

Their first test was to group up in six and MAKE two non harmful chemicals and join them together. David then picked a nearby nerd and covered his ears then whispered to Tess, we have to use our powers so control his mind and make him stay in the

toilet till the class is over then they had to leave the nerd in their group then the nerd walked over to David and said my name is Leonard the bullies call me leopard, you can call me Leo or Leon then he looked around and said "so which chemicals are we making" after school David and the other four went to the garden where they saw Mr del who was eating a carrot then he said "you guys think I was lying about the sixth ring thing but I'm about to give you proof then he stood in front of the garden then tapped his chest then the golden amour slowly started to form over his body then once the armour was fully fitted he started to levitate then a light came out of his chest that had the address 'Estate 7, street 6, house 5.Then David and the others also received the address too then Mr Del said do you think we should go there?" then hey looked at each other and nodded in agreement.