
Chapter 7

After lunch, Krishna called his chancellors and this time Milady too to the throne room. And as mentioned before, Sundarta was one of the biggest chancellors ever.

Later, after that every person took his place on the two sides of the room, Krishna started talking about the contract's details in Hindi then in English:

"So, ladies and gents, I sat with Prince George from Kingdom of Great Britain at lunch, and we talked about the contract."

He kept quiet for a moment, and then he added:

"In fact, I found the contract very interesting; British people need silk, cotton, spices etc. And so they need to build a factory in our land to produce these merchandises to them. In exchange, they'll give us European rarities and jewels as they're known for their beautiful and rare treasures. Besides, I'm sure that this new relationship between us and Great Britain will facilitate the trade between us and Europe. So, what do you think, my loyal advisers?"

One of the advisers stood up, did the Namaste then he spoke his opinion: "Your majesty, I truly respect you, but I think that this trade contract has a bad luck toward us; we've never talked to Great Britain and they never even considered our presence in India despite our huge reputation! Thus, your majesty, I'd prefer that we completely ignore this contract despite its benefits…"

Another adviser stood up and cut the first one's speech: "How?! Didn't you hear his majesty saying that this contract will provide us with European jewels and rarities?! This contract is a huge chance for us to increase our holy kingdom's economy! We must never lose this chance!!"

But this time, Sundarta stood up slowly. When the two "fighting" counselors saw her, they sat down. First, because she was their princess, second, she was among the wisest persons in Michor.

She raised her eyes slowly to her father, and she suggested in Hindi:

"Dear father, I suggest that we bring my biological mother; she may know more about the contract and especially the king Edward III, to realize his intention behind this contract. Then, after we hear what she thinks about him, we may be able to decide if this contract is for our best or not."

Krishna got surprised by his daughter's point of view. And he explained his surprise:

"But… Sundarta my daughter… There's a huge benefit behind this contract!"

"I didn't ask you to refuse the contract, I asked you to call the woman who raised the son of this contract's owner." Sundarta interrupted. "Let us bring my mother; she must be too close to him as she's his son's godmother and raiser."

"Well then… Let's get her!" Krishna announced. "Milady, go and get Ms. Worthington"

"Yes, sir." She obeyed and left the room to bring her.

A few seconds later, Milady came back with Ann. The latter was wearing a sari. She did the Namaste while Sundarta smiled as she got happy to see her mother again, wearing a sari.

The two women walked inside the throne room and stood close in front of Bai. Milady went next to him while Ann just kept looking at the floor.

The king asked Ms. Worthington:

"Ms. Worthington, Prince George and I discussed about the contract. I discovered that this contract will have a huge benefit on our economy. Some of my chancellors accepted it while some refused. But Princess Sundarta accepted it with a one condition: bringing you to talk about what you know about King Edward III, as we all know that Sundarta is one of the wisest persons in kingdom of Michor. So, what do you think about your king?"

Ann bowed a bit and talked:

"Your majesty, I appreciate that you listen carefully to your counselors; that shows how much you are a humble and wise king. And I'm so happy to hear from you that my daughter is one of wisest people in Michor. Besides, I understand that you ask the advice also from me as I'm one of the closest persons to King Edward III. And I will answer you: King Edward III is a greedy man. His people are sinking in poverty and diseases but he's doing nothing but dreaming of collecting fortune and being the richest person ever. Moreover, I feel that this contract hides a bad thing toward Michor. However, he's loyal in his contracts: he does his best to get the maximum benefits of every single contract he signs. So, despite his loyalty, personally, I do not recommend having this deal with Edward."

Krishna got shocked of the way that Ann was talking about Edward, so he reproached her gently:

"Shame on you, Ms. Worthington: how dare you to insult your king in his absence?! You must be ashamed of yourself!"

Milady looked weirdly to Krishna, while Worthington answered bravely, as her daughter had inherited brave from her:

"Your majesty, as you said by yourself that I'm too close to Edward. So, I've seen many shameful pitiful sad and disgusting things he was doing to his public that I don't even have the ability enough to call him my king, and of course with all my respect for you, sir…"

"Never mind." Bai excused. "That's your kingdom's business and we should never interfere in it as Michor is known for being peaceful. My apologizes."

Ann smiled and nodded again as an acceptation for the apology.

"So, in your side, you refuse the idea of trading with… your kingdom?" Krishna weirdly asked.

"Yes, definitely your majesty. I totally not recommend collaborating with such a man like Edward." She answered, still looking at the floor.

"Well then…I excuse you Ms. Worthington to go back to your room as I discuss this contract with my counselors. And we thank you so much for your piece of advice." The king excused Ann with a large smile.

The latter managed a smile and bowed for the last time. Then, she looked at her daughter and smiled to her. Finally, she left the throne room.

Krishna then asked his daughter's opinion for the last time: "So, my daughter, what do you think?"

Sundarta stood up as a manner of respect to the king. And she said: "When I asked to bring my mother, I wanted only to know what a simple British citizen thinks about her king. However, she mentioned him badly; she spoke about his vices. But, you know the proverb: we must never judge the person from what people think about him. So, your majesty, if you're looking for my opinion, I advise you to invite the British king, to talk to him. Then, we can truly understand what he wants from this contract…"

Sundarta remembered George, so she added:

"Also, I suggest that we keep Prince George here; that'll be less tiring for him… and a good chance for us to show Europe how much the Michorian is generous, humble and noble with his guests. He'd better for him to send a letter to his father instead of travelling for more than three months."

The brunet king thought about what his daughter said. Then, a few decades of seconds later, he expressed:

"In my personal point of view, I totally agree with Sundarta; we must meet this surprising king who suddenly wanted to trade with us. Then, we can realize exactly what he wants. And then, we can decide if we sign this contract or not. So, my dear counselors, who accepts Princess Sundarta's suggestion?"

Most of the chancellors raised their hands. Bai smiled. And at final, he announced: "Well then… I think that another British person will visit us…".

He looked at Milady: "Get George now."

Cook jogged and got out of the room, while Sundarta got happy by hearing that George was coming…
