
Chapter 12

Finally, at September, the British convoy arrived. It entered the palace under the surveillance of Krishna on the fence.

The convoy stopped in the servants' courtyard. King Edward got off his cart, fixed his white wig and fancy heavy clothes. He looked around and saw the details of this palace. He expressed his admiration with a nod.

Two of Indian guards came to him, welcomed him with some Hindi words and then they asked him with few English words to follow them to meet their Indian king, knowing that most of the Indian guards didn't speak English.

Once Edward got in the middle courtyard, he found Krishna waiting for him on the stairs in front of the throne room.

Edward stopped in front of the pool while Bai welcomed him, saying: "Welcome your majesty! We've finally met! Come here!"

The visitor looked at Leroy who never left him. Then, they both walked toward the brunet king. The latter climbed the stairs down and shook hands with Ed: "I've been waiting months to meeting the king of Great Britain… I'm much pleasured."

Not as usual, Edward was very nice to his rival, because he listened to Leroy's piece of advice; bewaring of the wisdom of the Michorian counselors, especially Bai's daughter. So, he smiled to him – and he rarely used to do – and lied: "I'm very honored too to meeting you…"

The British king looked around at the palace and told the palace's owner about his admiration for it: "I like your palace very much…"

He turned around and kept staring at the details of the castle: "God must blessed kingdom of Michor with multiple gifts! … Building such a huge beautiful palace like this one…I've already heard about its greatness…"

While Ed was describing, Krishna was just watching him; he was thinking about the way he would treat him. He was studying him exactly as his daughter asked him to. Although that Ed was till that moment kind, Singh was still regarding him as a predictable enemy.

When the white king finished, he looked back at his rival, and suggested: "You must get the chance one day to see my palace…the legendary Kensington palace… I thought it is legendary but… after I saw yours… I realized I was wrong…"

"How do you want us to treat you, your Honor?" Krishna interrupted him, full of sedateness and grandeur.

Edward gazed at him for a while and answered: "As a new friend…"

His counterpart suggested: "Shall we have lunch now?"

"Let's go… I'm terribly hungry…" Ed simply replied.

"Follow me to the lunch room."

"It'll be…"


At the lunch room, two guards put various kinds of food. However, they brought Indian food for Edward.

The latter didn't like it once he even saw it. He couldn't control his face's gestures and reaction about the food. Thus, Krishna saw him and wondered: "Don't you like the food?"

"It's not like that… I've heard from my son that your traditional food is too… spicy…" He mysteriously answered.

The host watched him for seconds. Then, he informed: "Don't worry: I asked my chefs to cook for you non spicy dishes."

"Why didn't you cook some English food?" Ed directly asked.

"You came here, talking your own language. I, myself, talk your language… At least, eat our food, and wear our clothes. Keep your respect toward us as we do to you, your kingdom and your convoy, and as we did and still to your son, his godmother and their convoy." Krishna strictly explained.

His rival looked at him too, and suddenly he laughed. Bai followed him and laughed too until the other one stopped and apologized: "I'm sorry… you're right…"

"That's fine… we all mistake sometimes…" Krishna forgave him, truly.

"So, I'm here to talk about the contract between kingdoms of Great Britain and Michor." He started the conversation about business.


"Then, why did you call me?" He foxily asked although he knew the answer from George before.

"It's just… I need to meet the other part of the contract in person. That gives to both of us the trust and confidence in each other and in the contract itself." Krishna also explained, lying about the real reason of calling Edward.

But then he added: "However, your majesty, you need to meet my daughter… Ms. Worthington's biological daughter…"

"Why?" Ed wondered, also lying.

"Because she's my wisest counselor I've ever had: it was her who suggested your coming." He explained.

"Wow… she really looks she is! Will I meet her after the lunch?" He asked for information.

"Yes…" Bai confirmed.

While eating, Edward was getting ready psychologically for meeting Sundarta: his rival himself confirmed that she was the wisest person ever in the royal palace…
