
Chapter 16

Finally, the Hindu marriage was done. Now, the two families started their trip toward Great Britain to finish the catholic marriage, and to watch The Adopted Princess dancing Ghoomar.

The trip began in August, and ended on the first days of November.

The large convoy – made of servants of Ed, Ann, George, Leroy, Krishna, Chandramukhi with Milady and 100 men and 100 women of Sundarta's servants to live with her – arrived at the palace in the morning.

Edward went to the throne room: this room was full of the king's supporters, waiting to see the prince's wife and the new princess. He sat on his throne while everybody there bowed to him and while Leroy followed him and stood next to him. Then, Prince George entered the room and spoke to the audience before his wife came in: "Gentlemen, I know you heard the rumor about my marriage: that's right, I got married. I know you're expecting that I got married to someone from Europe: right and wrong…"

The supporters got confused, while their prince continued: "That's right; because she has pure British origins, and the proof is that my godmother is … her own biological mother…"

They got shocked: they'd never know that Ms. Worthington had a child before. However, George kept shocking them: "And that's wrong… because she's the princess of Michor…"

They kept silent while Edward was watching their reaction. And finally, his son announced: "I represent to you, the new princess of kingdom of Great Britain… Princess Sundarta."

The door got opened. Ratan and two women – they were among the 200 ones – appeared and came in. two of women were holding a huge beige silk cloth, Sundarta was walking behind it.

The two women stopped for a moment. Then they walked left and so the new princess appeared, wearing a different Banarasi sari and still covered of jewels.

Every single man there got surprised by Sundarta's beauty that they kept silent, while Ratan introduced his childhood friend to them with his loud voice.

The latter was still looking at the floor. Then, she did the Namaste as a sign of respect for the king and the present people. And at final, she walked straight until she stood next to her husband.

One of supporters reminded his king: "Your majesty… her highness is Hindu…"

His son replied instead of him: "Religions don't matter: Princess Sundarta and I agreed on that everyone will stay with his or her own religion. And about our future kids… they're going to choose the perfect religion for them when they grow up."

Some of them didn't really like what their prince and heir of the throne decide. But after all, they have nothing to do. They just then cheered his name and his wife's name…


A few hours later, Sundarta got prepared to get married to George on the Catholic way. She didn't get comfortable with that white dress – knowing that the white color of clothes symbolizes death; Hindu people wear it in funerals. However, she looked very beautiful; especially when she walked with Krishna toward George and the priest while everybody was watching her during the wed.

She also insisted on covering all of her body, because she believed that the only person who had the right to look at her charms was her husband. She already followed that method before with the Indian clothes…


At night of the next day, at the courtyard of Kensington palace, people gathered to watch the new princess dancing the Ghoomar.

The folk music started while everybody was standing around the courtyard. On the ground floor, there were Chandramukhi, Ann and Milady, wearing Ghaghara (type of saris, women wear it usually to dance Ghoomar. But in this case, these ladies wouldn't), stood in front of their seats, waiting for The Adopted Princess to come out.

Indeed, a few seconds later, some back dancers, wearing flowery Ghaghara came out and stopped in their places, waiting for their leader to join them.

Suddenly, Ratan screamed, introducing The Adopted Princess again in Hindi then in English. And while he was yelling, finally the doors got opened and Samantha walked in slowly, wearing a flowery red and green Ghaghara. Everybody could guess that that dress weighted at least 60 pounds, adding her heavy jewels which were mixture of the Rajasthani and Gujarati ones.

Sundarta stopped walking and did the Namaste to the three women – while men didn't appear yet. As soon as she did, the ladies sat down; Ann was sitting in the middle between Milady and Chandramukhi because she was the biological mother of the princess.

And the dance started: this traditional folk dance of Rajasthan involves performers pirouetting while moving in and out of a wide circle. These performers are veiled with their Ghoonghats.

The song – that Sundarta was singing – was telling her love story since the first time she met George until that moment. And the dancers behind her complete her song with "Let's dance Ghoomar with our princess" as also back singers.

During the dance, all of George, Krishna and Edward – wearing Sherwanis (type of Indian clothes for men) – finally appeared at the first floor from the balcony. However, the other people were putting on British clothes.

While Sundarta was dancing, and her jewelry was shining making her prettier, other women of the palace who met her for the first time were terribly jealous of her that it was clear from the way they were looking at her. On the other hand, every single man there had a crush on her, either because of her beauty, wisdom, kindness, way of dancing or sedateness.

Finally, after about a half hour, the dance was over. When it did, Sundarta looked at her husband with graceful eyes, while the latter couldn't hide his smile, really proud of his wife…


Two days later, Chandramukhi, Krishna and Milady came back to Michor, after they tried their best not to cry while leaving their only daughter.

Chandra wanted Sundarta to keep Cook in Great Britain to take care of her. However, she refused, saying that it would be better for Milady to stay in Michor to take care of her parents and to remind them of her. Anyway, the Michorian Queen was obliged to accept her decision because she was still a bride. On the other side, Sundarta wanted Ratan to stay with her as a close person to her from the royal family.

Edward gave his new step-daughter a whole suite where her servants could live there and where also to do her Hindu rites freely…
