
Chapter 22

During their trip, Sundarta and her brave 100 men faced some bandits. Their number was about the same of the soldiers. So, they asked them to give them their food, weapons and horses or they would be killed.

Rattan intended to fight them, but his childhood friend, who was standing among her men, appeared. She was hiding her face with a scarf after she changed her clothes to Ratan's clothes that the latter gave from his closet before leaving.

The chief of bandits screamed in Hindi: "And who the hell are you?"

The Adopted Princess took the scarf off her face. The chief and his men recognized her. They all bowed to her and the master apologized: "Excuse us, your honor… we didn't know that it was you… But allow me to ask you; why are you wearing men's clothes?"

She answered: "I didn't have time enough to put on my own clothes; I'm going to fight in the side of the kingdom that raised me… against the kingdom that gave me birth…"

"But how is that? That's not fair!" He expressed his opinion as polite as he could."

"I'm not fighting for Michor; I'm fighting for the right. If Michor was who attacked Great Britain, I would fight it for Great Britain. And now, I'm asking you; would you join us in this legendary fight with all of your bandits, or not?" she seriously wondered.

The chief looked at one of his men, and answered: "The rest of my men are far away from here. Also, I've seen the army passing from here; it's very huge and they'll end you in minutes. I'm sorry, I can't. But my advice for you is to obey Edward III instead of fighting him: facing him won't lead to nothing but death and shame…"

Ratan cut his sentence, angry: "How could you refuse to be honored to fight for the right?! Truly shame on you!"

For the second time, his boss shut him, and fixed the man's sentence: "It might lead to death, but never to the shame: they insulted us, fooled us, mocked of us and especially betrayed us. We, the Michorians, never forgive the betrayer, especially if he was from our family, unless if he apologized sincerely. Then, we're the Michorians are known also for our generosity and our big heart which forgives everyone. However, Edward didn't apologize. And clearly he won't… I promise that I won't get relieved unless when I get his head. However, if you don't join us, you're free. But the history will never remember you or ennoble you… And now excuse us…" She put on the scarf again, and continued: "My history makers must go now."

And as fast as wind, she rode her horse straight and the 100 men followed her…


During the 6 days, Sundarta wasn't able neither to eat nor to sleep: she was eating the least thing after a terrible quantity of begging from her men, she slept like only 2 or 3 hours per day. She just treated her injures so she could fight. Ratan was so worried about her…


Finally, the tiny army could see the Indian kingdom's huge fence. At the same time, they already found the Michorian army in a tough fight with the British one.

Sundarta recognized Leroy despite the distance between them thanks to his large body. She ordered her army to stop by a move of her hand. Then, she took a bow and an arrow. She focused on Leroy's position and after that she raised the bow up and released the arrow in the sky.

A few seconds later, the arrow got planted in Leroy's back and particularly in his heart. After he was killing 3 or 4 Michorians per hit, his mouth started bleeding and after a short time his huge body fell down.

Sundarta ordered the army to keep running toward the battle. A no more than a minute later, the 100 men really had a good impact for Michor; the strength of the two armies were about the same, and so, these new men affected the fight.

The Adopted Princess saw her father fighting as best as he could. She ran and hugged him.

While she was enjoying the moment she finally got after more than 5 years of being away from her father, she saw in a second an arrow penetrating his back.

The Michorian king did no reaction: Sundarta looked at him while he looked shocked. His nose started bleeding. And in a little of seconds, he fell on his knees…

His daughter tried to awake him up by slapping his face, but it was over.

Despite the huge loud noise of the battle, every single one could hear Sundarta screaming.

The man who shot Krishna was Edward himself. Maybe it was revenge to Sundarta after she killed his personal favorite guard.

Instead of hitting her with another arrow, he got a sword, got off the horse and walked toward his step-daughter.

The latter understood what he wanted. Thus, she got her father's sword and helmet, a shield and walked toward him too.

The rest of warriors stopped fighting, and they started watching this historic battle.

The two fighters were walking in a circle, looking at each other with an immense hatred.

Sundarta asked him: "Why did you do that?"

"Why would I get a little part of your wealth while I take it all?"

"Michor did nothing to you."

"And so my other colonies before they became colonies."

"You banished your son!"

"You need to sacrifice so you can be the best."

"You killed my father!"

"That's the life, babe."

And suddenly, with the tiger's speed, she attacked him. Sundarta was hitting and moving aggressively. She remembered how she was practicing swords with George so she got sadder and angrier which meant more aggressive with her moves.

A few minutes later of stress, and with a one move, The Adopted Princess' sword slaughtered Edward III strongly that his head flew away…

The two armies with a tiny number of soldiers took a short time to realize that the dictator was dead. Suddenly, the Michorian army yelled happily and praised the Lord, while the British army got scared after they had no idea what the princess would do to them.

Indeed, the winner princess ordered them to take the headless body with them, to travel to Great Britain and to never go back.

After they disappeared, the latter took a silver plate from Ratan who bought it before leaving Great Britain, put on it Ed's head, hid it with her scarf, and walked toward Michor…


Chandramukhi was sitting in the throne room, waiting with Milady, ministers and all the women of the palace for the result of this aggressive war, terribly worried and scared; if they lost the war, she would lead women to commit Jauhar. And the Jauhar is a mass self immolation that women of the palace do to protect their honor and bodies from the enemy's enslavement and rape in case if they lost the war.

Suddenly, the door got opened. The light was very dense that when Chandramukhi saw the coming with Krishna's helmet and sword, she thought it was him. She got happy and she stood up to welcome him. But as soon as the comer was stepping straight and closer to her, she recognized her; it was Sundarta holding a tray of sliver.

She got happy and surprised to see her daughter after this long absence.

The latter took a knee in front of her mother, and took off the scarf.

The Queen and everybody else got scared to see Edward's head while the princess threw it on the ground with the tray.

A little of seconds later, and after they woke up of their shock, they cheered up for beating and defeating the "devil".

The Queen hugged her daughter who wasn't happy at all. At the contrary, she was crying silently.

"What's wrong, my child?" She asked smiling.

Sundarta didn't answer; she just bowed her head in silent.

"Where's the king?" She wondered.

Her daughter stayed with no reaction, then, she shook her head as a sign of Krishna's death.

The latter's wife screamed and started crying hysterically…
