Long Way Back

Greenery and abundance in nature used to be a landmark for this once prosperous country that attracted tourists from all over the world. Its location between borders and monopoly over the port gave it an affluent advantage. It was always a neutral country with no animosities with its neighbors.

Everything changed when the heroes arrived. Even without sufficient military forces, it lasted five years against their enemy's advance. During the last few weeks, they denied their request for help from across the borders in an instant.

While Mirena heals Roi, and Nox returns to pick up his things for the next stage of his journey, in another part of the land, where war is rampant between a Hero and a poor country, they eventually issue a ceasefire.

This happened as soon as the news of Jenna's defeat reached this hero's ears. Even the country's king laughed at the news and rejoiced with his people. The following morning, he gave a speech regarding this information to boost the morale of his troops.

Even though they were in a critical situation with no way out, their cheers and battle cries struck fear in the hearts of their opponents. The Hero noticed and therefore declared a temporary ceasefire.

In the Hero's camp, inside a tent, a sinister chilly laughter echoes throughout the area. An old man with long white whiskers sits comfortably on a chair with one leg on top of the other, tapping his fingers joyfully on the wooden table.

"Ku Ku! With this, this arrogant fool will definitely take the bait!"

Steps near his tent cause him to tense and close his mouth. He sits up straight and waits to see who will enter his tent. It's none other than the hero. A stoic posture emanating admiration. Golden wavy hair and blue eyes, with a red velvet cape, fluctuating with every step.

Covering his body is a silver armor and attached to his waist a sword, which creates a high-pitch steel sound when it interacts with his armor. The hero's eyes narrow when he enters the tent. Coming across the strange old man, he reacts faster than the eye can see. In an instant, he pulls his sword and points it in his direction. "Who are you?"

"Ku Ku! Lower that thing before you poke someone's eye out!"

God Scarab articulates the last word, and with just a motion of his finger, freezes the Hero.

Gold aura leaks out and veins pop on his neck and forehead. He grits his teeth in his attempt to escape, but to no avail. The control over him is much stronger than he expected.

Scarab approaches the Hero and flicks his sword, shuttering it like glass. This situation painted horror on the hero's face. With that sword, he fought countless enemies and beasts, and not once did he have any trouble dealing with them. He always came out the winner without scratch, much less his sword, and yet, a strange old man, destroyed it like that.

He can't believe it. His eyes move in different directions, following the falling pieces of the steel that send out a cry as soon as they touch the ground. The fragments produce dusty rings that disappear just as fast.

The old man, using the same motion, unfreezes the young man in front of him, giving him a mocking sneer while doing so. The humiliation he feels is unbearable, but Scarab seems to enjoy it, as he whistles nonchalantly in the tent.

He returns to his seat and puts one leg on top of the other. His eyes glint and sinister aura leaks out. He caresses his whiskers and utters. "Ku Ku! Care to listen to what I have to say now, Mr. Hero?!"

Meanwhile, in Rodena Town, the celebrations halted for the night after the ruckus caused by Roi. Mirena used her blessing to heal him and everyone returned to their homes. Roi remained in the crater, whereas Mirena walked home.

The Cool breeze caresses her face and makes her hair dance like a silver river.

Upon entering, she sees Nox sitting at the table, with a bag to his side. She understands and shakes her head. "A-Are you leaving?"

"I think it's time for me to go back. There are things I need to prepare for!"

Mirena lowers her head as she approaches the table. She takes a seat next to him and leans on his shoulder. "Thank you… For everything!"

Nox pats her head. A smile forms on his mouth. "Silly girl!"

Mirena's pale cheeks turn pink. She removes his hand while pouting and pulling her chair away. After a few breaths, she looks at him, still blushing, but her expression is serious.

Nox reciprocates by looking at her and nodding, urging her to say what's on her mind.

Mirena fidgets at first, but she already decided. "Earlier tonight, the Elven Goddess Minerva, visited me. Her request at first was to assassinate you!"

"Assassinate? Why? I'm helping them!"

Mirena's shock is clearly visible to her face. According to Goddess Minerva, Nox operates as a rogue. She continues. "I think I convinced her otherwise, but she told me that God Scarab is using you and if you continue down this path, they will collectively act against you!"

Nox remains silent, listening to Mirena. He frowned when Scarab's name came up. He stared into nothingness for a good while, leaning on the table by his elbows and his head supported by his palms. 'Grimmy, is this true?'


['Unable to answer question']

Nox gritted his teeth. He knew the situation was weird from the beginning, but the lure of going back home made him want to act.

The early light shone through the windows, brightening the space. Dust particles danced through the light, revealing the invisible rays.

'Grimmy, can I meet Scarab?"


['Lord Scarab is unavailable at the moment!']

Nox bangs his hand on the table and clenches his fist.

This startled Mirena, whom she looks at him with worry painted all over her face.

He stands up and walks towards the door. He looks back and smiles at the girl. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine!"

Mirena gets up and runs to him. She hugs him ever so tightly. "Be sure to visit me at the Academy next year!"

Nox pats her head. "Academy?"

"Mm! I want to get a certification and join a guild to earn some money for my family!"

Nox smiles and hugs her. His hands are warm and soothing. Mirena smiles and buries her blushing face in his arms. "I will support you then!"

After saying their goodbyes, Nox walks out the door and outside is Umbra, wagging his tail the moment he sees him. "Let's go buddy!"

The young man jumps on the Mana Hound's back. Umbra lets out a howl and starts running. Nox tries his best to not look back, as he feels his eyes water. With a motion, he wipes his face with his sleeve. "It's just sweat!"

As they exit Rodena town, the young man can't take it anymore and looks back. As the town gets smaller the further away he goes, a tear runs down his cheek. Memories of his time with Mirena flash in his mind. Since he got to this place, he never had a home cooked meal, until Mirena made him one, and that's a memory he will always treasure.

While riding Umbra's back, he checks the map, making sure they are not deviating from their destination. While confirming it, he wonders whether the cave with the Pearl-white self-lit crystals had Title Deeds, taking into consideration the funds he may need in the future.

His concentration gets interrupted when he senses someone approaching him. Even with Umbra's speed, there's someone fast enough to catch up to them. Nox pats the beast, signaling him to stop.

He gets down from Umbra and waits. A figure walks steadily towards him. It appears to emerge from the settling cloud of dust. Nox's purple eyes emit a glow. "What do you need?"

Umbra jumps in front of him and growls, blowing the dust away.

"I-I mean you no harm!"

Nonchalantly, Nox replies. "I'll hear what you have to say then!"

It's a vast valley on one side of the dirty road and a field of mountains on the other. The taller peaks have a glistening snow top where some of its chilliness gets blown down, reaching people all the way to the dirt road. Such is the wind which caresses Nox's face.

The dust clears and Roi approaches the young man, all healed up. Nox notices the sheathed dagger on his back. The hilt is visible hanging from the side, to make it easier for him to grab it if he needs it. What surprises him the most is the fact that although he ran all this way, he's not panting or sweating. 'Such a fellow is indeed fearsome!'

"Let me introduce myself once again! My name is Roi and I'm an assassin!"