Saving Umbra, Comes First?!

The soft sand drowned the sound of the approaching hoofs as it sank with the slightest pressure. Riders on several camels, headed towards Nox and company. They held onto torches as if they didn't care if someone saw them.

Malia and old man Sholl remained at the top, hidden under the cover of darkness. When the riders came closer, Malia got a better look at their clothes. Her whisper tickled her father's ears. "These are humans…"

"Are you sure?"

Malia narrowed her eyes. Even though it's dark, the light emitted by the torches helped get a better look once she focused. She nodded once she made sure. "Yes. Besides, their clothes differ from those of Aeptian."

Old man Sholl pondered for a few minutes. He tapped Malia's back. "You better let them know."

The girl protested. She shook her head. "I'm not leaving you alone."

"Listen to your father. I'll be fine. Up here, they can't see me."

Reluctantly, Malia slid down the sandy slope and ran as fast as she could towards the camp. Old man Sholl sighed in relief once he made sure that his daughter was safe and away from the danger that approached them.

The riders must have been five or six. They wore hoods that hid their faces and cloaks covered their bodies. The one at the front seemed the most intimidating. An ominous aura leaked out of his body, which the old man could pick up on because of his instincts and experience. It's also the reason he forced Malia to leave.

This person's aura felt similar to Nox's. Even though it was just as oppressing, they differed. He exuded malevolence which reached him all the way up the sandy mountain. As the riders neared in, Malia's father found it difficult to breathe because of the man riding in the front.

He drove his nails into his flesh to regain his composure and keep himself from passing out from fear. He kept watch to the point, blood dripped from his eyes. It was as if an invisible force that almost crushed his skull, pressed his head down.

Old man Sholl gritted his teeth and groaned from the pain, but he didn't give up. As promised, he kept watching them, ready to notify the others with any slight change in their direction.

Meanwhile, back in the camp, darkness obscured anyone from seeing them, but they couldn't relax. Roi stood in front of the camp with his hand on the hilt of his blade, with readiness painted all over his face.

Yulia held the youngest, Kali, in her embrace. It calmed the little girl, but it actually worked for her as well. Her fast-beating heart seemed to have calmed down when the girls hugged one another.

The only one who continued working relentlessly was Nox. Even after Mirena pleaded for him to stop and rest, he refused. Umbra's condition worsened faster than that of a human's, which made Nox feel anxious.

No matter what, he refused to stop. Although the night in the Scorching Desert was chilly, sweat drenched the young man's face as if it was daytime and the blazing sun rays bombarded him.

Even when it became more difficult for him to breathe because of exhaustion. With every passing second, he struggled more and more to inhale, but he still wouldn't stop. His voice, barely audible, was crisp because of dehydration. "Umbra is my friend! I won't stop or rest until I'm done with the antidote!"

The Mana Hound heard its master's words and growled. The cool breeze that blew from time to time soothed the beast's body. This low temperature of the night was ideal and apparently made it easier for Umbra to calm down, since its panting subsided.

For this alone, Nox found the motivation he needed to push through. The cool night provided him with more time to help his friend. Mirena, who took some time to rest and recover her mana, gritted her teeth, clicked her tongue and returned to Nox's side to support him with her spell.

Mirena saw the young man's tenacity and couldn't help but feel moved by their bond. Her tears flowed endlessly and her face revealed the sadness which overwhelmed her. With a soft voice, almost reprimanding she uttered. "Idiot! Don't blame me if you collapse again…"

Nox showed a smile with visible pain on his face, as if he was straining himself just to look back. "Thanks!"

Malia prepared herself mentally to go back, but her process got interrupted when her father collapsed in front of them. Fatigue got the better of him with the pressure built upon him. His old body couldn't handle.

The girls rushed to their father's side the moment they saw him flat on the sand. "Daddy!"

Yulia joined them and provided first aid. "His breathing is erratic. It doesn't look like he has any injuries, but just in case, he should rest."

Malia, her sister and Yulia, tugged him in a blanket to keep him warm. Mirena arrived moments later to heal old man Sholl and lift the worry from their faces.

With the silver-haired elf's help, it took him only moments for his body to recover. His heavy eyelids became lighter. He looked around and saw the faces of his loved ones. Overjoyed by the sight, a tear ran down his cheek and a smile formed.

Kali all teared up, hugged him ever so tightly with never ending tears. Malia dropped to her knees and patted the old man's head while Yulia savored the scenery from the back. Delighted, she watched the family of three.

Roi appeared next to them. The intensity of his eyes made the girls shiver. His voice, cold. "What happened?"

Yulia, slightly annoyed, grabbed his shoulder and was about to pull him to face her. "H-Hey…"

Before she could finish her sentence, old man Sholl interrupted her. Since he hadn't completely healed, they could hear how nuanced his voice was. "They completely ignored this place. They headed straight for Aeptian Town."

Princess Anya, who stood at the back, came closer. "Could you make out what they looked like?"

"Forgive me Princess… My mind is a little hazy at the moment."

The girl nodded. "Don't worry about it. Get better first."

Old man Sholl turned to Roi. "They didn't attack me or anything, but this one guy's aura put pressure on my old bones from all that distance."

Roi pondered for several seconds. "His aura…?"

"Indeed! At some point it felt like young Nox was out there filled with bloodlust and killing intent."

Malia looked down and then towards Princess Anya, who held her tears in to not inconvenience the others. Her high status kept her from showing emotions like that in public as well. "And… Those people are going to Aeptian…"

Out of nowhere, a familiar voice came from behind them. "What did I miss?"

They turned around and saw a smiling Nox, drenched in sweat. Mirena rushed to his side. Her worried eyes locked with Nox's. "H-How's Umbra?"

"After some rest, he'll be fine."

Before walking past her, the young man patted her head and whispered. "Thank you for everything!"

The silver-haired elf, unable to contain her tears, left the group and went towards the tent where Umbra rested. Her slender hand clenched her chest and a smile of relief appeared on her face.

Nox saw their gloomy faces and couldn't help but wonder. "What's going on, guys?"

After Roi told him of the situation, Nox looked at the girl in the distance. "Do you want to go back, Princess?"

Her eyes widened. She gasped at the question, but she already decided. She shook her head and, after a couple of deep breaths, she uttered in a voice filled with conviction. "I can't go back. That person killed my father!"